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I I. TI TLIZ (inciude Security Classification)RETROFIT OF SAC EC-135C AND

12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S)Stooke, Willard N., Jr., Major, UJSAF




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19. ABSTRACT (c*ntinue on reverse tdnece..ary and identlify by b~lock rnumber#

..- Tisreport is an analysis of, the advantages and disa'dvantages ofretrofitting SAC's EC-135C and RC-135 fleet with the CFM-56 engine-"package"-~being used to convert theKC-135As to KC-135Rs, It reviewsselected components of the modification, package 'and compares the per-formance capabilities of current and modified aircraft during takeoff,cruise, receive~r aerial refueling, and landing. The projected fuelsavings on the' investment 'dollar a're calculated against the criteriaof a 25 year life cycle as stipulated in AF Regulation 173-13, U.SAFCost And Planning Factors, and could pay for the retrofit of the 31a,lrCraft in 18 years. Finally, the~advantage of logistics commonalityamong all three a~ircraft is assessed,.



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PREFACEThis report analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of

retrofitting SAC's EC-135Cs and RC-135s with the CFM-56 packageof components that is being used on the KC-135A aircraft to,create the KC-135R. It provides a framework for assessing therelative improvements to the aircraft while identifying certainaspects of the program that warrant additional study. The reportis written in layman's terms with the intent of providing oridentifying the information that should be considered when thefinal decision concerning the retrofit proposal is made.

A special word of thanks goes to several people for theirassistance in preparing this project. Major George H. Kottiprovided extensive information on the KC-135R, including datathat was vital to constructing the performance tables. Lt ColJohn R. Grellman and Lt Col David A. Heideman volunteered theirtime to edit the draft. Lt Col Roy B. Phillips, the projectsponsor, and Major Jeffrey J. Polles, the project advisor, pro-vided editing and other guidance. Michaele A. Stooke edited andtyped the final report.

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Major Willard N. Stooke, Jr. began his military career atthe United States Air Force Academy wherehe graduated in 1971.After pilot training at Williams AFB, Arizona, and Castle AFB,California, he flew KC-135As at Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota,where he accrued over 2,000 hours of flying time. His opera-tional experience there included TDYs to several overseas loca-tions and most CONUS SAC bases. A rated supplement tour as anintelligence officer in 1979 exposed him to tactical operationsand non-rated duties. While at Shaw AFB, South Carolina, on thistour he became involved with the intelligence planning and supportof the then Rapid Deployment Force. Returning to the co*ckpit in1982, he flew over 1,000 hours in the EC-135Cs (SAC's AirborneCommand Post) at Offutt AFB, Nebraska. It was on oite of thosemissions while reading about the KC-135R that he first becameinterested in the feasibility of applying the CFM-56 retrofitpackage to the EC-135Cs and the RC-135s. Major Stooke is currentlya student in the class of 1985 at Air Command and Staff College,Maxwell AFB, Alabama. In addition, he has completed the NationalSecurity Management Course and has a Master of Art3 Degree inPublic Administration from the University of North Dakota.




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Preface---------------------------------- ---------------- ------About the Author------------------------------------------------ ivList of Illustrations------------------------------------------- vi.Executive Summary - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- V11


Research Hypothesis---------------------------------------------- 1Background Information------------------------------------------ 2Research Objectives----------------------------------- m---------Methodology----------------------------------- L----------------- 3Assumptions and Limitations------------------------------------4

CHAPTER TWO - ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL EQUIPMENT UPGRADESBasic Airframe Upgrade ------------------- 5Mission Specific Equipment Upgrade.Potential------------------ 7Summary ----------------------------------------------------------- -8

CHAPTER THREE' - PERFORMANCE COMPARISONSTakeoff Performance--------------------------------------------- -9Operating Altitudes--------------------------------------------- 12Landing---------------------------------------------------------- 14Summary------------------------------------------------------ -15~

CHAPTER FOUR - FUEL COST SAVINGSEC-135C Fuel Savings------------------------------------------ 17RC-1 35 Fuel Savings -------------------------------- 20Summary----------------------------------------------- I-------- 22

CHAPTER FIVE - OTHER FACTORSPotential Savings: Acquisition and R~euse---------------- -23Forward Operating. Locat-ions/Dispersal -------------------------- 24Summary-------------------------------------- ----------- --------- 2-5


Conclusions------------------------------------------------------ 27Recommendations -- - --.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY--------------------------------------------- --------- -29

APPENDICESAppendix 1 - Abbreviations and Acronyms----------------------- 34Appendix 2 - System Changes in the KC-.135R Package----------- 35


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TABLE 3-1 - Takeoff Comparison With a 270,000 Pound GrossWeight 10

TABLE 3-2 - Performance Comparison With a 9,800 Foot CriticalField Lenqth --------------------------------------- 11

TABLE 3-3 - Current and Modified Aircraft Performance

Compa~isons------------------------------------- 13

TABLE 3-4 - Performance'at Landing Maximum Gross Weight -------- 15

TABLE 4-1 - Modified EC-135C Fuel Consumption/Savings

Comparisons -1----------------------------------------1

TABLE 4-2 - Modified EC-135C Cumulative Cost Savings ----------- 19

TABLE 4-3 - Modified RC-135 Fuel Consumption/SavingsComparisons ---------------------------------------- 20

TABLE 4-4 - Modified RC-135 Cumulative Cost Savings ------------ 22



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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A• Part of our College mission is distribution of the

"students' problem solving productsi to l)oD// sponsors and other interested agencies 'o

enhance insight into contemporary, defense!-iiI ,L• related issues. While the College has accepted this

product as meeting academic requirements forgraduation, the views and opinions expressed orimplied are solely those of the author and shouldnot be construed as carrying official sanction./

C"i nsights into tomorrow"




I. Purpose: To identify the advantages and disadvantages ofretrofitting SAC EC-135C and RC-135 aircraft with CFM-56 enginesas an interim measure until a follow-on airframe is produced.

II. Problem: To determine what modifications could be made, tothe EC-135C and RC-135 aircraft to enhance their mission capa-bilities. This study provides a framework for analyzing enhance-ment alternatives and reviews the systems of the CFM-56 enginepackage within tiis framework.

III. Discussion of Analysis: The analysis is presented as arelative comparison of the aircraft modified with the CFM-56engine package versus the aircraft in theiT current configuration.Calculations were made using the actual data base from FY 84 andworst case conditions. Three assumptions were made in the study.(1) The number of aircraft, aircrews, and support personnel afterthe modification would remain unchanged. (2) The average infla-

tion figure projected for 1988 to 1992 was applied as a constantfactor beyond 1992. (3) Calculations were based upon conversionof the EC-135Cs and RC-135s by the start of FY 85. These assump-tions were made at the expense of absolute accuracy, but they doprovide a means of assessing the rel ative performance of eachaircraft.

IV. Data: SAC KC-135As are currently-being modified with CFM-56engines and a package of over 30 other components. This report


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CONTINUEDassesses the changes that would occur if the EC-135Cs and theRC-135s were retrofit with the same package. Selected compo-nents of the package are reviewed in light-of special limita-tions or mission requirements of the 1ECs and RCs. Some of thesecomponents could require major modifications and warrant furtherstudy to determine technical feasibility and additional R&Dcosts. Aircraft takeoff performance would be improved, andmaximum refueling, best range, and fiaximum endurance altitudeswould be increased as a result of the new engines. A penaltywould occur to the options during a landing diversion as aresult of the increased em. '.1 operating weight of the aircraftthat would reduce the fuel available at the normal maximnm land-ing gross weight. An important feature of this proposal is thatthe potential fuel savings *of the engines could pay for the modi-fication. If all 31 EC-135C and RC-1.35 aircraft were converted,sys-tem payback could occur after approximately 18 years. Otherpossible cost savings could result from "piggybacking" upon theexisting Class V modification to the KC-135As; creating a logis-tical economy through a greater commonality of parts among theECs, KCs, and RCs; salvaging the TF33-P-9 engines or components;

*and converting the _C-135Cs and RC-135s to tankers when they are, replaced by.a follow-on aircraft.

V. Conclusions: The primary benefits of the CFM-56 retrofit* would affect performance, cost, and logistical support, a broad

range of factors associated with weapon system operations. Theprimary disadvantages are the reduced landing diversion options

* and additional R&D costs associated with specific componentmodifications.

VI. Recommendations: Beforb a program to retrofit the EC-135Cs; and RC-135s is initiated,' several additional studies should beconducted to determine equipment compatibility, modificationsthat would be necessary, and the R&D or additional costs that'would be incurred by the modifications. The system net costincrease or decrease based upon the findings of these studiescould significantly change the payback period of the modification.If the payback period for the 31 aircraft remains less than 25

* years (as stipulated in AF Regulation 173-13; US Air Force Cost* and Planning Factors). the increased performance, logistical

commonality with the XC-135R, and potential for continued useas a tanker after a follow-on airframe is procured are factorsthat put this program in strong contention for implementation.


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For over two decades the EC-135C aircraft that fl' asSAC's Airborne, Command Post (AINCP) or "Looking Glass" andthe RC-135 aircraft variants that carry out global reconnais-sance have proven to be reliable airplanes,' well suited forthe demands of these missions. The functions, taskings, andcapabilities of the airplanes and their associated missionshave been expanded and upgraded throughout the history of theirexistence. Due to this continuing expansion and anticipatedchanges in the future concepts of operation, in the "Joint CINCJustification for Major System New Start for WWABNCP [World WideAirborne Command Post]' Replacement Aircraft" planners have iden-tified the requirement for a short takeoff and landing (STOL)transport type aircraft to replace the EC fleet. .(22:--) Interimproposals to bridge the gap between present capabilities andthose of the future airframe are also being considered. Thisstudy proposes one possible interim solution for both the ECand RC fleets that would improve performance, accommodate 'imitedsubsystem additions, and provide a high degree of engine common-ality with the growing KC-135R fleet through a retrofit of thecurrent airframe with CFM-56' engines. The solution is analyzedagainst operations as they currently exist and can be used asthe framework for comparing other interim alternatives.


'This study is an analysis of' some of the factors to beconsidered in determining any benefits of retrofitting SACEC-135C and. RC-135 aircraft with CFM-56 engines. The CFM56-2B-1(hereafter referred to as CFM-:6) engines are produced by a con-sortium of .General Electric,(GE) in the United States and Soci~t6Nationale dEtude et de-Construction de Moteurs d"Aviation(SNECMA) of France on a 50/50 share basis under the name of CFMInternational. (2:778) The SAC KC-135A fleet is currently beingretrofit with these engines as p. :t of a modification packagecosting $16 millic- per aircraft. The purpose of this study isto identify the advantages'and disadvantages in performance,efficiency,,'and operational flexibility of re-engining theEC-135Cs and RC-135s. The program is assessed against the 25year life cycle costing model stipulated for cargo aircraft inAF Regulation 173-13, 'US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors.

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Fnr these not familiar with SAC reconnaissance and commandand control operations, this section is a brief description otSAC's EC-135C and RC-135 aircraft and their missions. Informa-tion on the KC-135R retrofit package is also provided.

The EC-135C :'.rcraft are configured to fly SACS AirborneCommand Post or "Looking Glass" missions and are powered byTF33-P-9 engines that produce 16,000 pounds of thrust each.There is a fleet of ten aircraft normally operating out of OffuttAFB, Nebraska, cycling throuqh 3 daily shifts of 8 hours' and 20minutes each to fulfill the requirements of maintaining a contin-uous ABNCP, the heart of the Post Attack Command and ControlSystem (PACCS). The PACCS link is a critical element in SAC'snuclear 7ommand, control, and communications network. Two air-craft are also located at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. Theyalternate flights between periodic ABNCP missions, other PACCS"nositions, and higher headquarters tasking. While there are otherEC-135 variants (12:21), this study will only consider tle EC-135Cfor re-engining due to the equipment load and the greater amountof fuel burned in support of the ABNCP mission.

The RC-135s considered in this study encompass all RC-135variants (S, U, V, and W) used by SAC. Sixteen of the aircraftare assigned to Offutt AFB and fly some operational missions fromthat location. Most of the operational missions are flown fromfour Forward Operating Locations (FOLs) throughout the world.These missions usually last from 10 to 18 hours, requiring aerialrefuelings. The aircraft collect signals intelligence (SIGINT)and are the backbone of the I (intelligence) in SAC's C3 I equation.In addition, three other aircraft cperate exclusively out ofEielson AFB, Alaska. All of these aircraft are loaded with amyriad of sophisticated electronic collection equipment that hassignificantly increased their empty operating weight (which, rangesfrom 145,000 pounds to 165,000 pounds depending upon, the model).Since they all face this increasing weight problem, the term RC-135will be used to refer to all 19 aircraft in SAC's fleet. In theperformance computations the heaviest empty operating weight will

!generally be used to show the worsL case situation. Due to theirsimilar empty operating weights, the lighter-RC-135s approximatethe performance of the EC-135Cs.

The SAC fleet of KC-135A Stratotankers is currently under-going a Class V modification that i5 programmed to retrofit theaircraft with, CFM-56 engines and other upgraded subsystems. Whilethe engines will increase the thrust from approximately 12,000pounds each to 27,000 pounds each and are therefore the mostsig-ificant single improvement of this package, over 30 othersubcomponents are also nodified for a total cost of $16 millionper aircraft. The goai of the program is to reduce the currentand future tanker shortfall by increasing the fleet offload


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capability by 50 percent at a fraction bf the expense of devel-oping a net airplane. T'he result of this program is a Strato-tanker redesignated the KC-135R. Aircraft number two was deliv-ered to the SAC Commander in Chief during formal acceptanteceremonies on 2 July 1984. SAC will transition to the new air-craft wi':h a production schedule that calls for a delivery ratethat will increase to six airplanes per month in late 1986.The final airplane should be completed in 1993 and conclude amodification program that will extend the service life of theairframe well beyond the year 2010. (3:4,5; 16:1)


The advantages or disadvantages of retrofitting SAC EC-135Cand RC-135 aircraft with CFM-56 engines will be analyzed throughthe review of five research objectives.

1. Review the significant components of the KC-135R retro-fit package that would be appropriate on the EC/RC aircraft.

2. Review the potential for future additional equipment orfuel load increoses that would result from the greater thrust ofthe CFM-56 engines.

.3. Determine the performance characteristics of the air-craft with the new engines in the tak;,ff, cruise, and receiveraerial ref-eling phases of flight in Lomparison with currentconfigurations.

4. Project the dollar savings that could result from sucha retrofit based upon decreased fuel consumption and reducedtanker refuelings.

5. Identify other aspects of opc.'ations that may resultin greater flexibility, consolidation, or efficiency if such aprogram i. implemented.


Every etfort was made to use actual data and independentanalysis as the basis for this study. While a CFM Internationalreport formulated generalized scenarios in support of variousportions of the analysis, this study used the actual fiscal year1984 data base and applied the performance computations from theC-135B (for the RC-135W), EC-135C, and KC-135R tech order'per-formance manuals. The basic data and the calculations used todetermine any performance or savings factors are fully explainedso that, the process can 'be updated or modified as necessary.

The factors applied in the study were selected based upon aconservative approach. Factor averages were used or, as in the


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case ot takeoct data and the RC*135 basic operati;.g weight,

w.orst case conditions were s•lected. The performance of modi-fied EC-135C and RC-135 aircraft as determined from the KC-135Rperf-ormanice manual was adjusted for the increased operatingweights of the EC and RC airframes, and was degraded using thefactors for the increased antenna drag that are currently appliec.


Several assumptions were made to simplify the analysis ofthis proposal. The number of aircraft, aircrews, support per-sonnel, and per flying hour non-fuel dollars necessary to carryout the mission after retrofit of the CFM-56 modification package.was assumed to remain unchanged. Second, the fuel savings weremultiplied by inflation factors in table 5-I of AF Regulation173-13, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, to project theannual and cumulative system savings. Since the table does notprovide factors beyond 1992, the average inflation factor usedin the table between the years 1988 and 1992 was applied as aconstant factor after 1992. In the last assumption, calculationsusing the CFM-56 package were based upon the entire fleet beingconverted by the start of FY 85. In reality, however, moneywould not be available until the 1988 Program Objective Memoran-dum (POM) cycle and the 31 aircraft would require several yearsto modify. (22:--) While these simplifications are possibly madeat the expense of absolute accuracy, they do provide a maeans ofasse.ssinq the relative performance of each aircraft.

Certain aspects of this study were not fully developed dueto limits on the resources available to conduct the analysis.In particular, the review of the direct applicability of thecomponents of the CFM-56 package was limited to only a few of themajor systems. Most subsystems would likely be incorporated, buteach one should be analyzed for possible deletion or modification.In the RC-1,35 fuel savings computations, there is a possibleinaccuracy, in the number of support tanker hours saved per refueledoperational mission. This information is not tracked under present'accounting systems and was estimated as explained in chapter 4.The final limitation affected the time and distance computations.The difference in the hour's or gallons of fuel that would be held'in reserve by current and modified :rcraft could not be accuratelydetermined. Instead, computations were made by burning all fuelat altitude unti.l tanks were empty. Despite these limitations,most of the data base was current and accurate and provided a" valid'means of comparison.


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Chapter Two


A CFK:-56 engine retrofit of the EC-135C and RC-135 fleetswill make two categories of upgrades possible-improvements toth•e basic airframe and the potential to accommodate futuremission specific equipment. The improvements to the basic air-frame include the higher thrust engines and a "package" of over30 other upgraded systems that are designed to increase the per-formance and reliability of the aircraft. The potential foradditional equipment is limited as will be explained later inthis chapter.


Most of the major systeir' upqrades that are ''urrently beinrretrofit on the KC-135As are suggested for retrofit on theEC-135Cs and RC-135s. Systems most critical to aircraft controland performance have been hardened against electromagnetic pulse(EMP)* to increase the survivability of the aircraft in a nuclearenvironment. The systems explained below were selected as thosemost significant to the performance of the aircraft. A completelist of system changes in the KC-135R package is included iT.appendix 2.

CFM-56 Engines

The focal point of the retrofit program iz the new CFM-56turbofan engine developed and produced by CFM International.The engine has a high bypass ratio of 6.05:1 with a thrust ratingof 22,000 pounds. (18:21,25) Compared to the current TF33-P-9engines, the CFM-56 producesan additional 6,000 pounds of thrustper engine with an approximate fuel savings of 20 percent. (5:51)Engine performance and reliability have been proven commerciallywith almost two million flight hours on the re-engined DC-8-70series aircraft and militarily with several thousand flight hourson the KC-135R. (16:3)

*The list of components that are EMP hardened is classifiedand-is maintained by the KC-135R Acquisition Manager in theDirectorate of Aeronautical Requirements, Headquarters SAC.


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Two features of the CFM-56 engine should be noted in par-ticular. First, the CFM-56 has a Power Management Control (PMC)unit that allows the pilot to preset a takeoff or climb thruston the gages and then follow that with a Singl-e throttle adjust-ment that will automatically compensate for changes and maintainthe proper thrust setting. (16:3) Second, a Turbine Engine Moni-toring System (TEMS) is installed on each engine to autmeaticallyrecord critical performance parameters in support of the SACEngine Condition Monitoring Program. (18:93-95) These featuresmake the CFM-5C engines easier to operate and maintain.

Other Systems

Four of che systems or subsystem groups being upgraded onthe KC-135R are specifically explained here because of theirsignificant impact upon aircraft control, performance, or opera-tional capabilities.

Integrated Drive Generators. The Integrated Drive Generator(IDG) system will improve electrical power source reliability.While the present generators have to be manually engaged andparallelled, the IDGs can be set to come on line automaticallyonce the engines are started and will thus shorten quick-responsetiming. To reduce maintenance delays caused by generator mal-functions, a built-in test capability will assist diagnosis ofproblems. (3:5) There are, hQwever, two constraints with the IDGsystem since the 40 KVA generators on the KC-135R would have tobe replaced by the 120 KVA generators presently used on the ECsand RCs. First, the larger generators may not fit without majormodification to the engines or the cowlings. Second, the largergenerators may provide too much power for the IDG system to handleand force the use of the current constant speed drive system.These factors must be further analyzed to determine overall sys-tem compatibility and any additional research and development (R&D)

* costs that would be added to the system total cost. (22:--)Landing Gear and Relat ed, Components. An'other modif ica~tion

is a new landing gear system and the related components of the

Mark III anti-skid brakes and a rudder-pedal nosewheel steeringsystem. The new landing gear allows the maximum. takeoff grossweight to increase from 300,000 pounds to 320,000 pounds, however,there would be no change in the current EC and RC normal landingmaximum gross weight (200,000 pounds). The impact of this limita-tion is explained, in chapter 3. The proposed five-rotor Mark IIIbrakes provide some improvement to-the stoppinq distance on wet oricy runways over the five-rot6r Mark II brakes currently used onthe ECs and RCs. (18:28) Since the improvement is minimal, addi-tional study of both brake systems should be conducted to deter-mii.a any trade-offs between the cost savings of retaining the cur-rent system versus futpre maintenance and logistical advantagesthat would result from a standard brako, system used fleet wide.The rudder-pedal nosewheel steering system results in smoother,


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aircraft response to pilot control at slower taxi speeds. It isalso more conducive to coordinated takeoff control inputs sincethe rudder and the nosewheei are both controlled by the rudderpedals, (4:42) thus freeing the pilot's left hand to hold the yoke.

Engine Failure Assist System. The Engine Failure Assi fSystem (EFAS) is designed to overcome the i-itial directioncontrol problems of asymmetrical thrust associated with an outt-board engine failure during takeoff or go-around. When such afailure occurs, a fan differential sensor begins to make rudderinputs when the difference between the speeds of the outboardengines exceeds 500 RPM. The amount Qf automatic rudder inputis proportional to the aircraft speed up to 200 KEAS, when the*system disengages. With the EFAS, ground minimum control speedis reduced by 15-20 knots. (3:5; 18:138) This system signifi-cantly reduces the risk involved during two of the most criticalphases of flight.

Auxiliary Power Unit. The final modification consideredis the dual Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) system that provides elec-trical power and sufficient bleed air to start the engines or runthe Environmental Control System (ECS) on the KC-135R. (3:6) Sucha system is required on the EC-135C and RC-135 aircraft, but'itmust meet two specifications before it can be installed . Due tothe design of the 'CFM-56 engine, a cartridge start is not possibleand dual APUs are essential to start two engines simultaneouslyto meet the alert start timing requirements under Emergency WarOrder (EWO) conditions. Although the KC-135R has sufficient roomin the cargo comrartment to accommodate two APUs, the 'Cs and RCsdo not. As a result, additional R&D funds may be required todevelop new compact APUs to fit on the aircraft. Not only mustthe APUs provide a primary and backup engine start capability,they must also have sufficient electrical output to operate theadditional banks of electronic equipment in the ECs and RCs whileon the ground, and sufficient bleed air to run the ECS to cool thatequipment. Without a dual APU system that meets these two criteria,the CFM-56 re-engining program cannot be implemented. (22:--)


The second category of upgrade is the potential for expansionof the equipment used to carry out the airborne operational missions.This will occur as a result of increasing the maximum allowabletakeoff gross weight from 300,000 pounds to 320,000 pounds. Someof this increase will be offset by the 1.1,000 pound weight of themodification package,* with a remaining expan-ion capability of9,000 pounds, either as fuel or equipment. The equipment expansion

*The weight of the conversion package adds 13,000 pounds tothe empty operating weight of the KC-135A, replacing J57-P-59W


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potential is tempered, however, by the fact that both aircrafteither will be or are "cubed out."

There are several equipment addition5 that have been fundedto modify the EC-135C fleet. These major systems include equip-ment to link with the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), 'theMilitary Strategic and Tactical Relay System (MILSTAR), and theNuclear Detection System (NDS) designed to enhance communicationsand operations in a nuclear environment. Equipment and work Sr-tions will also be added under the "Pacer Link" program that willbe a retrofit of a universal battlestaff and communications suitethat will add new radios to standardize the connectivity of theWWABNCP fleet. When these modifications are complete, room forequipment expansion will be limited to the space on existingracks. (22:--)

The RCs are currently "cubed out" and have no interior spaceleft for major equipment expansion. They will not be able to makeuse of any internal equipment upgrade potential unless currentsystems are replaced. Therefore, they would only be able to capi-talize upon increased performance by carrying additional fuel.


Some oC the components of the CFM-56 retrofit package on theKC-135A would have to be modifi'ed to make them compatible with thespecifications of the EC-135Cs and RC-135s. A major the large amount of electrical power required to operate theequipment on the airplanes. This requirement may overtax thecapabilities of the current modification package on the groundwith the dual APU system and in the air with the IDG system. Addi-tional research to determine the technological feasibility and R&Dcosts for required modifications will be necessary before a finalacquisition decision is made. Research should also be conductedinto the possibility of increasing the normal landing maximumgross weight to at least offset the inc :eased -cpt-: operatingweight of the aircraft resulting from the modification package.The potential for operational equipment expansion is minimal dueto space limitations from current or soon to be added components.Heavier major components could be added, but only if they weretraded for existinq units.

engines that weigh 4,770 pounds each. Since the TF33-P-9 enginesweigh 5,285 pounds each (500 pounds heavier), the total packagewei-ht differential would be reduced by 2,000 pounds (500 pounds x.4)for a net change to the EC/RC empty operatilg weight of 11,000pounds. (23:--)


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Chapter Three


The components of the CFM-56 engine modification packagediscussed in chapter 2 will result in s.veral performancechanges. Takeoff performance will be improved by the increasedthrust; missions can beflown at higher cruise and loiter alti-tudes; and there will be a lower fuel consumption rate due tothe high bypass technology of the engine. Landing fuel reserveswould be adversely affected, though, due to the increased emptyoperating weight of the aircraft. Each of these anticipatedchanges will be discussed in this chapter as they affect specificphases of flight.


A variety of takeoff performance data and profiles must becomputed to begin to understand the full advantage of the pro-posed engine modification. The comparisons that follow are basedupon operations from Offutt AFB since its -ise is common to boththe ECs and the RCs, and its runway is th• one most often used.The performance jalias are also representative of the improvementsthat would be seen at the RC-135 FOLs. The parameters of theruaway environment include (1) 10,500' of runway available thatfor the purpose of this presentation will be considered to haveno grade and no obstacle, and (2) weather conditions of 90OF and1,000' pressure altitude. The weather conditions approximate theaverage maximum heating dur'..,g July as taken from Base WeatherClimatology, and result in the worst case performance situati n.(10:14) The comparisons will be made usi j a basic operating eightwith the current configuration of 145,000 pounds for the EC-1 5Cand 165,000 pounds-for the RC-135. JThis basic operating wei hhtapplies only to the heaviest RC variants, but has been select das the worst case example.) The increased basic operating wei htsafter the 11,000 pound modification will be 156,000 pounds fo stheEC-135C and 176,000 pounds for the RC-135. Performance figursafter~the modification were calculated using the KC-135R Fli ttManual Performance Data and applying the performance degrade lac-tors for the other aircraft that result from the increased dr gcaused by ext~rnal antennas.

The-first comparison of the takeoff performance (table 3-1)is made with all aircraft using a common takeoff gross weight of


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270,000 pounds. From this comoarison two conclusions can be drawn.First, at tha same takeoff lross weight, the modified aircraft havea critical field length over 1,000 feet shorter than that of thecurZent configuration. If the lengths of the missions are notincreased, the modified aircraft could be flown at the same takeoffgross weight and us• the shorter critical field lengths as increasedmargins of performance safety. Second, there is a slight flighttime performance penalty, but it is actually due to 11,000 poundsless fuel as a result of the offsetting weight of the modificatio-package. This is significant in that it indicates the potentialfor saving 11,000 pounds of fuel per mission under such parameters.

Table 3-1. Takeoff Comparison Witha 270,000 Pound Gross Weight

Aircraft Critical Best Range MaximumField Length Mileage Endurance Time

EC-135(Currn; 9,800' 5,440 NAM* 12.8 hrs.(Curren,:)

EC-135CECoifeC 8,6(,0' 5,511 NAM 12.6 hrz.(Modified)

.RC-i135 -. "hsCurrent) 9,800' 4,094 NAM 9.7 hrs.

RC-135 8,600' 3,998 NAM 9.4 hrs.(Modified)

NOTES: *Nautical'Air MilesComputed fot 90°F, 1,000' P.A.,, 300, flaps, and no grade.Climb and cruise data computed for standard day + 15*C.Performance degrade factors. EC: clinib-10%, range and endurance-7%, RC: climb-16%, range-13%, endurance-11%.Climb mileage and time added to range and endurance.Fuel burned at altitude until tanks are empty.

SOURCES: C-135B Flight Manual, Appendix I, Performance Data,Published under authority of the Secretary of the Air Force, June1966, pp. 1A5-12 and 1A6-9; EC-135C Flight Manual, Appendix I,Performance Data, Published under authority of the Secretary ofthe Air Force, February 1966, pp. 1A2-4,1A3-48B,1A4-9,1A5-10,and 1A6-5; KC-135R Flight Manual, Appendix I, Performance Data,Published under authority of the Secretary of the Air Force, March1984, pp. 1A2-5,1A2-9,1A3-42,1A3-43,1A5-17,1A5-18, and 1A6.-8; and"Performance Data Corrections" used by RC-135 aircrews.


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Since the increased thrust improves takeoff performance,a second comparison can be made using takeoff fuel loadsincreased to extend the number of unrefueled hours on each sortie.In table 3-2, 25,000 pounds of fuel have been added to the modi-fied aircraft so that the critical field length equals that ofthe current aircraft. Climatolcgical conditions remain the sameas in table 3-1. THis comparison illu3trates that operating withan identical critical field length, the CFM-56 engines are ableto carry more and extend the endurance flight time by almost twohours on the EC-135C, and well over an hour on the RC-135. Thefull-impact upon the concept of operations and the resultant costsavings of these improved capabilities will be explained later inthis chapter and in chapter 4.

Table 3-2. Performance Comparison With a 9,800 Foot CriticalField Length

Aircraft Gross Best Range MaximumWeight Mileage Endurance Time

EC-135C(Current) 270,000 lbs. 5,440 NAM 12.8 hrs.

EC-1 35C(Modified) 295,000 lbs. 6,485 NAM 14.7 hrs.

(RC-135 270,000 lbs. 4,094 NAM 9.7 hrs.S~(Current)"

(RC-135 295,000 lbs. 4,927 NAM 11..0 hrs.S~(modified)

NOTE: Apply the same factors as in table 3-1.

SOURCE: The same as for table 3-1.

One final comment on the modified aircraft maximum takeoffgross weight of 320,000 pounds: the limit of only 10,500 feetof runway available under peacetime criteria at Offutt AFB results*in the possible use of such weight only during winter months. ASCategory II condition where the critical field length equals therunway available exists when the temperature is 37 0 F. A CategoryI condition where critical field length is reduced to 10,000 feetoccurs with a temperature of 14°F. (9:1A2-5,1A2-9,1A3-42) Sincethese aircraft base their takeoff capabilities almost entirely onpeacetime criteria, the full potential of the 320,000 pound


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aircraft maxixum takeoff gross weight could oniy be used at thelower temperatures.


In addition to the improved takeoff performance, the newengines provide an increased thrust-to-weight ratio that allowsthe aircraft to operate at higher altitudes. This improvedcapability would impact upon RC-135 deployments and operationalmissions, EC-135C daily and EWO missions, and the refuelingaltitude regimes of both aircraft. Comparative figures forthese phases of flight are reflected in table 3-3.


The EC-135C aircraft can realize operational advantagesfrom an altitude increase both on a daily basis and during EWOconditions. Changing the daily cperations from FL 260 to FL 330with the new engines would more closely correlate the actualaircraft altitude with the recommended best endurance altitudethrough the entire flight. It would also increase the range ofline-of-sight communication equipment. This connectivity rangeincrease could result in expanded borders for the operating areas,allowing a more dispersed flight path. During EWO conditions thecurrent altitude could also be raised by 5-7,000 feet. Thiswould not only extend the range of the air-to-ground link, itwould also extend the air-to-air link with other airborne elementsof the PACCS network. While operating at the higher altitudeswith the CFM-56 engines, the performance of the aircraft and themission would be improved.


For the RC-135 fleet the higher, altitudes during deploymentsand operational missions would have two potential benefits forsensor equipment operation. The first advantage would be a reduc-tion of the continuous and somewhat insidious problem of equipmentoverheat. Considering a 300,000 pound gross weight aircraft, thebest range altitude would climb from 28,000 feet where the stan-dard day temperature i's -40*F, to 32,000 feet where the standardday temperature is -55'F. (8:1A1-5) The second benefit of in-creased altitude is expanded sensor coverage. With the poten-tial for higher data, ollection routes and orbits, the line-of-sight sensors would be able to "see" further, thus allowing agreater standoff capability from collection sources. (Dependingupon the operating area, this enhanced capability could be off-set by increased co-channel interference at higher altitudes.)Th-se two benefits are not readily measurable or quantifiable,but they would have a positive impact upon mission accomplish-ment.


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Refueling Operations

A higher refueling altitude would benefit both aircraft.For the EC-135C aircraft, power response is'not a problem duringroutine peacetime ABNCP refuelings since they are normally con-ducted at FL 270 with only token onloads. Power response duringEWO conditions does become critical as evidenced during GlobalShield exercises: refueling an aircraft to the maximum inflightgross weight of 300,000 pounds at a flight level' that exceedsthe maximum recommended altitude puts the aircraft severelybehind the power curve. The re-engined aircraft would be in therealm of positive power response at that altitude at a weight of-300-000 pounds, and would still have the positive response ifrefueling to an inflight gross weight of 320,000 pounds. TheRC-135 aircraft would realize a similar refueling advantage. TheRCs would be able to refuel at an altitude more commensuratewith the deployment flight levels. This would preclude the needfor any descents to accommodate refueling,.yet still keep theaircraft in a positive regime of fligh't.control and engine response.For both the EC and the RC aircraft, greater thrust and resultant'higher refueling altitudes would allow the airplanes to conductreceiver refueling operations at altitudes more compatible withthose used during other mission phases.


The, retrofit package does not significantly change the landingground roll, but it does change the aircraft diversion optionsat landing weights. The stopping distance for aircraft at themaximum landing gross weight of 200,000 pounds is approximately5,500 feet for current and modified configurations as depictedin table 3-4. Reduced diversion options that result from re-engin-ing become apparent from the decreased range and endurance capa-bilities. This limitation is caused by the empty operating weight,of the aircraft approaching the 200,000 pound maximum landinggross weight and reducing the available fuel reserves. The situ-ation becomes most critical when a diversion must be made afterattempting a landing. Although the retrofit does not appreciablyaffect the actual landing characteristics of the aircraft, thereduced endurance time and diversion range are related factorsthat will affect flight operations.


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Table 3-4. Performance at Landing Maximum Gross Weight

Ground Best Range MaximumAircraft Roll Mileage Endurance Time

EC-135C 5,705' 2,911 NAM 7.2 hrs.(Current'

EC-1 35C(Modified) .5,150' 2,549 NAM 6.2 hrs.

RC-1 35(Current) 5,700' 1,679 NAM' 4.0 hrs.

RC-135(Modified) 5,150' 1,237 NAM 3.1 hrs.

NOTES: Landing data for 60*F, 500 flaps, 80% delayedbraking, and no other corrections.Performance degrade as in table 3-1.

Fuel burned at altitude until tanks are empty.

SOURCES: C-135B Performance Data, pp. 1A5-10,1A6-9,1A8-32,and 1A8-33; EC-135C Performance Data, pp. 1A5-10,1A6-9,1A9-15,and 1A9-21; KC-135R Performance Data, pp. 1A5-17,1A5-18,1A6-8,1A9-30, and 1A9-31; and "Performance Data Corrections."


This chapter reviewed the changes that would occur'to thetakeoff, cruise, and landing phases of flight resulting froma retrofit of the CFM-56 package. During'takeoff, the increasedthrust could either provide a greater margin of performance safetyor carry additional fuel or equipment. The aircraft would be ableto climb to higher cruise altitudes that could increase the coV-erage of line-of.-sight ground equipment and the connectivity ofair-to-air links. While refueling, the engines would provide''the power to refuel 'to greater inflight gross weights, refuelat a higher altitude, orboth. Finally,.during landing therewould be little change to aircraft performance, but there wouldbe a reduction in diversion alternatives due to d,, iased fuelreserves at landinj weights. While flying the sama mission, air--raft performance would generally be improved as a result 'of'increased thrust and greater fuel efficiency.

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Chapter Four


As suggested by the performance data in the previous chapter,one important feature of this re-engining proposal is the fueleconomy that cculd eventually pay for the cost of the retrofit.Several airlines have converted their aircraft to CFM-56 variantsto improve takeoff performance, increase range, and reduce oper-ating costs. The Air Force may not be able to capitalize uponsuch economies as quickly, but a 25 year life cycle costing com-parison (as specified in US Air vorce Cost and Planning Factors,AF Regulation 173-13) indicates the potential Saviags. While costis not the only factor to consider, it is the one most easilyquantified for a study of this nature. The following sections ofthis chapter present the cost savings for each aircraft.


The EC-135Cs fly a variety of mission profiles. On a dailybasis, the aircraft are airborne as SAC's Airborne Command Post,using thre.. airplanes per day, each flying an average mission ot8 hours and 20 minutes. There are also PACCS exercises that mayfly as many as two additional airplanes. Training missions arenormally flown each day for initial and recurring aircrew pro-ficiency. As a result of these activities both at'Ellsworth AFBand Offutt AFB, the average fuel consumed by AC's EC-135C flerLin orte month. during fiscal year 19e4 was 1.58 million gallons ofJP-4. For the entire fiscal year the fuel co sumed was 19 mil-lion gallons. At a price c f $1.00 per gallon of JP-4, the totalfuel cost for FY 84 was $1E million. (11:356; 14:11T)

Computations for projected fuel savings an be drawn fromthe actual fuel savings realized by commercia airlines. Severalcommercial carriers have converted their DC-8 from JT3D engines(the commercial equivalent of the military TF 33-P-9 engines) .oCFM-56 engines. The data base of the DC-8s a the -135s sh.uldcorrelate closely since both are 4-engine air raft with verysimilar design and performance characteristic . After approxi-mately one year of service, the DC-8 Super 70 series with CFM-i6engines had a 17-2,2 percent fuel savings over the standard DC-3aircraft. (5:51) The fuel savings factors of 7, 20, and 22 per-cent of current EC-135C fuel consumption are resented in table4-1. For this presentation the 20 percent fa tor will be used asthe average savings tc, conservatively base fu ther calculations.


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'.ao±e 4-I. Moditied EC-135C Fue! Consumption/Savings Comparisons

Consumption/Savings for ModifiedAircraft

EC-135C Savings Factor(FY 84) 17% 20% 22%

Monthly 1.586* .316/.27 1.269/.317 1.237/.349Consumption

AnnualConsumption 19.035 15.799/3.236 15.228/3.807 14.847/4.188

NOTE: *Figures expressed in millions, either asgallons ordollars since JP-4 cost $1/gallon in FY 84.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of the Air Force. Avfuel Usage/Flying-Hour Performance Report, Wing Base Summary. Denver:AF Accounting and Finance Center, 22 December 1984, p. 356; U.S.Department of the Air Force. Wing/Base MOS Summary-AvfuelUsage/Flying Hour Report. Offutt AFB,, NE: 3902 Air Base Wing,14 November 1984, pp. 10 and 11; and Ropelewski, Robert R."Reenained DC-8 Transports Achieve Fuel Savings, High'Perfor-mance." Aviation Week & Space Technology (22 August 1983), p. 51.

The cost recovery may be computed based upon the 20 percentsavings factor and the CFM-56 conversion package cost of $16million per aircraft. (20:---) With a fleet of 12 EC-135Cs thetotal retrofit would run $192 million. Usinc-an annual costsavings potential of $3.807 million for FY 84 when the price ofJP-4 was $1.00 per gallon, the annual and cumulative dollarsavings adjusted for inflation are presented in table 4-2. Pro-jecting the conversion out to the expected 25 year life cyclenets a savings of $153.8 million. If the same methodology andinflation factors are continued, complete system payback wouldoccur in an additional four years with a projected savings of$194.1 million at that time. The conclusion from this data isthat the proposal has a fuel *avings potential that would even-tually pay back the full cost of the retrofit package, but wouldbe only 80 percent cost effective at the 25 year life cycle point.



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Table 4-2. Modified EC-135C Cumulative Cost Savings

FY 84 Inflation Annual CumulativeYear Savings Factor Savings Savings

1986, $3.807 x 1.010 = $3.845 $3.8451987 3.807 x 1.042 = 3.967 7.8121988 3.807 x 1.086 = 4.134 11.9461989 3.807 x 1.126 = 4.287 16.2331990 3.807 x 1.168 = 4.447 20.6801991 3.807 x 1.211 = 4.610 25.2901992 3.807 x 1.256 = 4.782 30.0721993 3.807 x 1.302* = 4.957 35.0291994 3.807 x 1.351 = 5.143 40.1721995 3.807 x 1.401 = 5.334 45.5051996 3.807 x 1.452 = 5.528 51.0341997 3.807 x 1.506 = 5.733 56.7671998 3.807 x 1.562 = 5.947 62.7141999 3.807 x 1.620 = 6.167 68.8812000 3.807 x 1.680 = 6.396 75.2772001 3.807 x 1.742 = 6.632 81.9092002 3.807 x 1.806 = 6.875 88.7842003 3.807 x 1.873 = 7.131 95.9152004 3.8Q7 x 1.942 = 7.393 1-03.3062005 3.807 x 2.014 = 7.667 110.9752006 3.807 x' 2.089 = 7.953 118.9282007 3.807 x 2.166 8.246 127.1742008 3.807 x 2.246 = 8.551 135.7252009 3.807 x 2.329 = 8.867 144.5922010 3.807 x 2.415 = 9.194 153.7862011 3.807 x 2,505 = 9.537 163.3232012 3.807 x 2.597 = 9.887 173.2102013 3.807 x 2.693 = 10.252 183.4622014 3.807 x 2.793 = 10.633 194.095

NOTES: *Inflation factors not'provided in AFR 173-13 beyond1992. A constant fuel inflation factor of 3.7% was used there-after since it was the average yearly factor for 1988-92 inAFR 173-13.Dollars expressed in millions.

SOURCE:, U.S. Department of the Air Force. US Air ForceCost and Planning Factors. AF Regulation 173-13. Washington,DC: hQ USAF/ACMC,. 1 February 1984, p. 93.


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Due to the nature of its operational missions, the RC-135fleet faces the added expense of two factors that were notinvolved with the EC-135Cs. The first factor is the distancerequired to reach the FOLs. Additional fuel is used duringaircraft deployments and redeployments between Offutt AFB andthe FOLs. The second factor is a result of the length of theRC-135 operational missions. Most of the missions require oneor two inflight refuelings. The saiings potential includes notonly-the reduced fuel consumption, but also the cost benefit offewer tanker support sorties. Each of these features will beaddressed individually, then combined for total savings analysis.

Looking at the fuel economy from the standpo~int of fuelburned by the RC-135 fleet, the savings factors and their results.are presented in table 4-3. Again, the 20 percent factor ig usedfor this analysis. Based upon a $33 million expenditure, fo- fuelin FY 84 (11:268-271,480,481,483,519,520,539-541,543), the annualcost savings would amount to $6.6 million in 1984 dollars.

Table 4-3. Modified RC-135 Fuel Consumption/Savings Comparisons

Consumption/Sayinqs for ModifiedAAircraft

RC-135 Savings Factor(FY 84) 17i 20% 22%

Monthly 2.752 2.285/.467 2.202/.550 2.147/.605Consumption

} Annual33.030 27.415/5.615 26.424/6.606 25.763/7.267


NOTE: *Figures expressed in millions, either as gallons ordollars since JP-4 cost $1/gallon in FY 84.

SOURCES: Avfuel Usage/Flying-HourWing Base Summary,Spp. 268-271,480,481,483,519,,520,539-541, and 543; and

Ropelewski. "Reenqined DC-8 Fuel Savings," p. 51.


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The second and more substantial savings factor is thatachieved when re-enqined aircraft carry more fuel and use itmlore efficiently, thereby reducing the number of support tankersorties. CFM International prepared a report assessing thetanker hours saved with the modified RC-135. Using four differentmission profiles, the saviings ranqed from five to ten tanker hoursper refueled operation,ial C-135 sortie. (15:56 7171-051184 -'67176-051184) To compensate for the lack of RC-135 degrade factorsin that report, a conservative assessment of a savings of fivetanker hours per refueled operational sortie was applied in thefollowing computations. Using a KC-135A per flying hour cost of$2,842 from table 2-2 of AF Regulation 173-13, 860 refueled oper-ational RC-135 sorties in FY 84 (21:--), and five tanker hoursper sortie, results in an FY 84 refueling support savings of$12.22 million. ($2,842/hr. x 860 sorties x 5 hrs./sortie = $12.22million) This dollar savings is augmented by the fact that 4,300tanker hours can be used to fill other refueling requests.

When the fuel savings and the tanker support savings arecombined, the time required to recover the cost of the initialmodification can be determined. The cost of converting an RC-135fleet of 19 aircraft at'a price of $16 million per copy would be/$304 million. Combining the estimated savings of $6.6 millionin fuel consumed and $12.22 million in tanker support results ina total savings potential of $18.82 million per year in FY 84dollars. A further adjustment to the refueling cost per hour wasmade due to the conversion of the KC-135As to KC-135Rs. Theirincreased fuel efficiency reduces the fuel burn rate by 27 percentand reduces the per hour operating cost to $2,289* (3:7; 13:11),reducing the total savings potential to $16.44 million per yearin FY 84 dollars. This per hour cost was used in the calculationsafter 1989 (a year arbitrarily selected by the author). Withadjustments for inflation factors, the full system payback couldbe realized in 14 yearsas depicted in table 4-4.

*This figure was derived, by determining the fuel ($2,047)and non-'fuel ($795) cost per hour to operate 'a KC-1 35A 'fromtable 2-2 of AF Regulation 173-13. The fuel cost was reducedby 27 percent to $1,494 and added back to the non-fuel cost fora total FY 1984 per hour operating cost of $2,289. The totalcost was computed as explained in the text above.

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Table 4-4. Modified RC-135 Cumulative Cost Savings

Year FY 84 Inflation Annual CumulativeSavings Factor Savings Savings

1986 $18.82 x 1.010 = $19.008 $19.0081987 18.82 x 1.042 = 19.610 38.6181988 18.82 x 1.086 = 20.439 59.0571989 18.82 x 1.126 = 21.191 80.2481990 16.44* x 1.168 = 19.202 99.4501991 16.44 x 1.211 = '19.909 119.3591992 16.44 x 1.256 = 20.649 140.0081993 16.44 x 1.302 = 21.405 161.4131994 16.44 x 1.351 = 22.210 183.6231995 16.44 x 1.401 23.032 206;655

• 1996 16.44 x 1.452 23.871 230.5261997 16.44 x 1.506 = 24.759 255.2851998 16.44 x 1.562 25.679 280.9641999 16.44 x 1.620 = 26.633 307.597

NOTES: *Tanker support dollar cost reduced as a result oflower per hour fuel costs by converting KC-135As to KC-135Rs.Dollars expressed in millions.Inflation factors computed as explained in table 4-2.

SOURCE: Air Force Planning Factors, AF Regulation 173-13,p. 93.


Retrofitting both the EC-135C and the RC-135 aircraft withthe CFM-56 engine package could achieve a cost savings sufficientto defray the cost of initial modification. The 12 EC-135C air-

craft could be modified at a total cost of $192 million.' Usingan annual fuel savings potential of $3.8 million the programwoild'be paid back 80 percent at the 25 year life cycle pointan( would be fully paid back at the 29 year point. The 19 RC-135ai craft, could be modified at a total cost of $304 million.Us-ng a combined fuel and support tanker savings potential of$1 .82, million per year, the program would be fully paid back atth 14 year point. Therefore,' when the aircraft are consideredin ividually, the RC-135s yield a greater return on the invest-me t dollar due' to the greater flying hour tasking'compared to theEC 135Cs, and the support tanker costs. However, when the costsa ings of all 31 aircraft are combined and the cumulative costfa toring is computed, total system payback is accomplished in18 years, 7 years below the life cycle costing 25 year criteria.


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Chapter Five


While the fuel consumption rates of the last chapter lendthemselves to comparative numerical analysis, there are severalother advantages of using the CFM-56 retrofit package that shouldbe considered but are not as easily quantified. These advantagesbecome evident when the focus on the impact of the package isexpanded from the changes to'the aircraft itself to the advantagesof system acquisition, consolidated logistical support, and opera-tional flexibility. These factors become significant when con-sidering the long-range impact on aircraft warfighting readinessand sustainability beyond the year 2000. Several of these factorsare specifically addressed in this chapter.


The acquisition process offers several opportunities torealize a cost savings by using the CFM-56 retrofit package onEC-135Cs and RC-135s. First, additional R&D funding would berequired to adapt some of the subsystems to the ECs and RCs, butthat cost would be a fraction of the R&D costs of initiating anentirely new retrofit program'. Also, the per unit cost of theR&D for the KC-135R could be further amortized over the addi-tional 31 aircraft. Second, there would be the economy of scaleof converting all of the aircraft with one modification program.(1:75) (The per unit cost of converting 631 airplanes under pro-gram A would be less than the cost of converting 600 airplanesunder program A and 31 airplanes under program B.) A third factoris timing: the sooner the modification is begun, the sooner'thefuel savings will begin to "pay back" the system and provide areturn on the investment'dollar. In addition, .inflation hashistorically been the single greatest cause of increase in theunit cost of acquisition programs (1:87) and will most likelyhave an adverse impact upon any delays in initiating this program.Finally, consideration should be given to modifying the ECs andRCs concurrently with the KC-135As and accelerating the program

* by increasing the monthly delivery rate since "speeding up thedelivery rate generally reduces overall program costs." (1:88)However, this must be considered against the realities of thenormal cycle of the POM process and its associated delays. Thepotential of these and other factors that impact upon this par-ticular acquisition proposal would. best be determined by furtheeranalysis by the Air Force Systems Command.


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The per aircraft conversion cost of $16 miilion may bepartially offset by salvaging the parts of the TF33-P-9 enginesfor use in other aircraft. While the complete TF33-P-9 engineis Only used on -135 aircraft, parts from it can be used asspares for other engines. For example, the core of the engine(primarily compressor and turbine blades) i~s about 50 percentinterchangeable with the JT-3D-3B engines used on the KC-135Eaircraft. (23:--) There are several other aircraft that usederivatives of the Pratt and Whitney TF-33 core design whose partscompatibility with the TF33-P-9 would have to be assessed. Theseinclude the B-52H (TF33-P-3), the E-3 (TF33-PW-100/100A), theC-135B (TF33-P-5), the C-137 (JT3D-3), and the C-141B (TF33-P-7).(12:21; 6:163-164) The possibility for such cost recovery exists,however that recovery would be realized through several majorcommands and its full potential would best be determined fromadditional analysis by the Air Force Logistics Command.

At the current rate of expansion of the functions, techno-logy, and concept of operations of both strategic reconnaissanceand strategic C', it is probable that in the future the -135 air-frame will not be able to carry the payload nor operate out ofthe diversity of runway environments required. Presently plansare being proposed to use a STOL aircraft with much improvedperformance capability to replace SAC's current reconnaissanceand C 2 fleet. Programs for such conversion are projected to occurduring the mid-1990s time frame. (23:--) The CFM-56 engine retro-fit is designed to supplement that transition rather than replaceit. When the new aircraft are commissioned, the current airplaneswould have several thousand hours of service life left and couldbe converted to KC-135Rs to help meet the increasing demands uponthe air refueling assets. At that time, only minor internalchanges would be necessary with the ECs and RCs. The RCs wouldalso require the addition of a refueling boom. With the potentialfor conversion to KC-135Rs to further augment the tanker fleet,the utility of these aircraft would extend beyond the interimmodification period.


In addition to increased performance and increased fuelsavings, there is a'so the opportunity for logistical savingsby eliminating the duplicate parts inventories at FOLs, (19:--)Presently, at three of the four RC-135 FOLs there are collocatedKC-135A aircraft with J57-P-59W engines that cannot be inter-changed with the TF33-P-9 engines of the RC-135 fleet. As aresult, spare parts -foreach engine must be stocked. Modifyingthe KC-135A and RC-135 aircraft with the same package wouldst..ndardize the fleet with nearly identical basic airframes.With this increased interchang.:ability, more parts from one air-craft could be removed during wartime to support mission require-ments of the other aircraft. Savings will be realized through the


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economy of commonality and consolidation with a single supplysystem better able to absorb the impact of a series of Sub-component malfunctions.

During peacetime weather diversion or EWO dispersal thereare two features of the retrofit package, that could increasethe number of recovery alternatives. First, commonality betweenthe EC--135Cs, the RC-135s, and the KC-135Rs would result inincreased support capabilities at all bases with tanker operations.While this is not the primary consideration during diversions ordispersals, it would mean that the EC and RC aircraft would havea greater number of bases throughout the world where they couldrecover and obtain maintenance support for the basic airframe.Second, with the dual APU system and the improved self-sustainingcapability it provides over the current configurations, the air-craft would have a greater potential for operations from austereor bare-base environments. The increased number of recovery' air-fields that could be used as A result of these features wouldenhance planning flexibility.


Retrofitting the EC-135C and RC-135.aircraft with the CFM-56re-engine package has several advantages that become apparent whenthe proposal is viewed from the larger context of system acqui-sition, logistical support, and operational flexibility. Inparticular, by "piggybacking" on the KC-135A retrofit program, themodification cost per unit may be reduced for the KCs as well asthe ECs and RCs. By salvaging '.he parts of the TF-33 engines andconverting the aircraft to tankers should they be replaced in theircurrent missions, the net modification cost would be reduced whilethe utility of the aircraft would be increased. The commonalityof parts of the three basic airframes (EC, KC, and RC) would resultin gredter logistical efficiency through consolidation, and greaterflexibility for operational planners.


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Chapter Six



There are benefits of retrofitting SAC's EC-135C and RC-135aircraft with the CFM-56 engine that would affect performance,cost, and logistical support. Increased performance from thismodification would result in improved takeoff capabilities, betterreceiver refueling power response, and higher operational alti-tudes that would expand the coverage of line-of-sight equipment.The potential for operational equipment expansion, also resultingfrom the increased performance, would be negated by the fact thatthe RCs are currently and the ECs will soon be "cubed out." Majorsystem additions in the future would have to be exchanged withexisting components. The improved efficiency of the etagines wouldprovide a payback on the investment dollar by reducing the amountof fuel burned. Since the RCs require an aerial refueling on mostof their sorties (while the ECs do not), they would also realize asavings by reducing the number of support tanker hours. Finally,logistical economies could be realized by salvaging the TF33-P-9engines, increasing the parts commonality between the KC-135Rfleet and the EC and RC aircraft, and converting the aircraft totankers when they are replaced by a follow-on airframe. Thesebenefits cover a broad range of factors associated with weaponsystem operations.

The disadvantages of the CFM-56 re-engining package affect.landing diversion options and cost. Landing diversion optionswould be reduced as the empty operating weight of the aircraftapproaches the maximum landing gross weight of 200,000 pounds,thus limiting the' amount of fuel available fordiversions. TheR&D associated with modifications such as those to the generatorsand the APUs would adversely affect the program in that the costsof such-R&D must be amortized solely by the 31 aircraft of theEC and RC fleets. These disadvantages must be weighed againstthe benefits.


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Before a program to retrofit the EC-135Cs and the RC-135sis initiated, several additional studies or analyses should beconducted to determine equipment compatibility, modificationsthat would be necessary, and the R&D or additional costs thatwould be incurred by the modifications. These costs couldsignificantly increase the acquisition price per aircraft. Thestudies that have been suggested throughout this paper are sum-marized below.

1. Determine the ability of the CFM-56 engines tý' accom-modate the 120 KVA generators, and the ability of the IDG controlcenter to manage the 120 KVA output.

2. Determine whether or not the normal landing maximumgross weight could be increased.

3. Determine the trade-off between the cost savings ofretaining the current Mark II brake system versus the logisticaladvantages of commonality throughout the fleet with the Mark IIlbrake system.

4. Identify an APU that would meet both the space limita-tions and the power output specifications.

5. Determine the economies'of acquisition associated withthis particular program.

6. Determine any cost savings that may be realized bysalvaging the TF33-P-9 engines or their parts.

The system net cost increase or decrease based upon thefindings of these studies could significantly change the pay-back period of the modification andthe cost effectiveness ofthe proposal. If the payback period for the 31 aircraft remainsless than 25 years, the increased performance, logistical com-monality with the KC-135R, and potential,for continued use as atanker after a follow-on airframe is procured are factors thatput this program in, strong contention for implementation.

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _BIBLIOGRAPHY ....



1. Beckstead, Robert W., Hitch, Charles J., and McKean, RolandN. Defense Economic Issues. Washington, D.C.: NationalDefense University, 1982.

2. Taylor, John W. R. (ed.). Jane's All the World's Aircraft1983-1984. London: Jane's Publishing Co., Ltd., 1984'.

Articles and Periodicals

3. Kotti, George H. "Here Come the R's ... " Combat Crew, June1984, pp. 4-7.

4. Ropelewski, Robert R. "CFM56s Boost KC-135R Performance."Aviation Week & Space Technology, Vol 118, No 18 (2 May1983), pp. 42-46.

5. ."Reengined DC-8 Transports Achieve Fuel Savings,High Performance." Aviation Week & Space Technology,Vol 119, No 8 (22 August 1983), pp.48-54.

6. Young, Susan H. H., and Taylor, John W. R. (eds.). "Galleryof USAF Weapons." Air Force Magazine, Vol 67, No 5(May 1984), pp.163 and 165.

Official Documents

7. C-135B Flight Manual, Appendix I, Performance Data.Published under authority of the Secretary of the AirForce, June 1966.

8. EC-135C Flight Manual, Appendic I, Performance Data.Published under authority of the Secretary of the AirForce, February 1966.

9. KC-135R Flight Manual, Appehdix I, Performance Data.Published under authority-of th': Secretary of the AirForce, March 1984.


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10. U.S. Air Weather Service. Base Weather Climatology. OffuttAFB, NE: Det 1,.3rd Weather Wing,.21 June 1979.

11. U.S. Department of the Air Force. Avfuel Usage/Flying-HourPerformance Report, Wing Base Summary. Denver: AFAccounting and Finance Center, 22 December 1984.

12. U.S. Department of the Air Force. SAC Facts Book. OffuttAFB, NE: Strategic Air Command, 1 July 1984.

13. U.S. Department of the Air Force. US Air Force Cost andPlanning Factors. AF Regulation 173-13. Washington,D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1 February 1984.

14. U.S. Department of the Air Force.. Wing/Base MOS Summary-Avfuel Usage/Flying Hour Report. Offutt AFB, NE:3902nd Air Base Wing, 14 November 1984.

Unpublished Materials

15. "CFM 56 for Special Purpose C-135's." Briefing prepared by* CFM International, May 1984.

16. Kazin, Stephen B. "KC-135/CFM56 Re-Engine, The Best Solu-tion." American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-nautics, Inc., 1983.

17. "Performance Data Computations." A performance degradeworksheet used by RC-135 aircrews.

18. "System/Subsystem Summary Report-KC-135 Re-Engine." TheBoeing Company, 22 April 1980.

Other Sources

19. Booth, John W. SAC Conm'and Engine Manager, Propulsion Branch,Directorate of Aircraft Maintenance, Headquarters StrategicAir Command, Offutt AFB, NE. Telecom with the author,9 January 1985.


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20. Kotti, George H., Maj, USAF. KC-135R Acquisition Manager,Tanker Branch, Air Vehicles Division, Directorate ofAeronautical Requirements, Headquarters Strategic AirCommand, Offutt AFB, NE. Telecom with the author,7 December 1984.

21. Phillips, Roy B., Lt Col, USAF. Force Management and C'Development Officer, C3 Force Management Division,Directorate of Force Management and Space Requirements,Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt AFB, NE.Telecom with the author, 14 January 1985.

22. . Telecom with the author, 7 February 1985.

23. Unruh,,Sheryl, SSgt, USAF. Base Engine Manager, PropulsionBranch, 55th Field Maintenance Squadron, Offutt AFB, NE.Telecom with the author, 29 November 1984.


Articles and Periodlicals

"1"CFM56s Show Dispatch Reliability of 99.8%." Aviation Week &Space Technology, Vol 118, No 18 (2 May' 1983), pp. 30and 31.

Lenorovitz, Jeffrey M. 'CFM56 Powerplant Fixes Based on DC-8'Operations." Aviation Week & Space Technology, Vol 118,No 7 (14 February 1983), p. 32.

I Scott, William B. "Reengined KC'-135.Shows Performance Gains inTest." Aviation Week & Space Technology, Vol 118, No 8

(21 February 1983), p. 53.'

Ara Inpublished Material

Spooner, Ben W. Manager, Operations Analysis, Boeing MilitarySAirplane Company,, Wichita, KS. "KC-135[R] GroundClearance and FOD Susceptability [sic)." Letter plusattachments to.Steven g. Kazin, Manager,,AdvancedMilitary Applications, CFM International, 13 September 1982.

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ABNCP Airborne Command PostAFB Air Force BaseAER Air Force RegulationAPU Auxiliary Power UnitC CentigradeC'I Command, Control, Communications, and IntelligenceCINC Commander in ChiefCONUS Continental United StatesECS Environmental' Control SystemEFAS Engine Failure Assist SystemEMP Electromagnetic PulseEWO Emergency War OrderF FahrenheitFL Flight Level'FOL Forward Operating LocationFY Fiscal YearGE General ElectricGWEN Ground Wave Emergency NetworkICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationIDG Integrated Drive GeneratorKEAS' Knots Equivalent Airspeed:VA KilovoltampereMILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay SystemNAM Nautical Air MilesNDS Nuclear Detection SystemPA Pressure AltitudePACCS Post Attack Command and Control SystemPMC Power Management ControlPOM Program Objective MemorandumR&D Research and DevelopmentRPM Revolutions per MinuteSAC Strategic Air CommandSIGINT Signals IntelligenceSNECMA Soci~tS Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs

d'AviationSTOL Short Takeoff and Landing

TDY Temporary, DutyTEMS- Turbine Engine Monitoring SystemW%;.BNCP World Wide Airborne Command Post,


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The following systems or subsystems are being replaced,modified, or added as part of the CFM-56 engine retrofitpackage on the KC-135A to convert it to the KC-135R. (18:8,9)

Air Conditioning ControlAirplane LightingAnti-Ice PanelAutopilot Systeml.uxiliary Power Unit (APU) Quick Start SystemBattery Power PanelBrake and Anti-Skid SystemCabin Pressure ControlCabin Pressure Indicator,CFM56-2B-1 Engineco*ckpit Instruments and ControlsControl StandElectrical Control PanelElectrical SystemEngine InstrumentsEngine Start PanelFire Detection and Fire Extinguishing Systems

* Fire Extinguisher and Overheat PanelFlight Control Augmentation SystemFuel SystemFuel Temperature GageHorizontal StabilizerHydraulic SystemIFF Transponder Control'Inlet Cowl Anti-Ice SystemLanding GearLeading Edge FlapsPneumatic SystemRudder PCU PlumbingRudder Pedal Coupled Nose-Wheel Steering System


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