P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (2024)


Submitted by Poker

"These are the "CUTEST" cookies I ever saw!! So much Fun to make & the Kids can help with the jelly!! They are a Big hit with the grownups as well as the kids! One of my friends at work made them & brought them in AND I just had to get this recipe & I am gald I did !The time is split up because of the refrigeration on the dough! So the dough can be made the day before if you wish! Its EASY & FUN & CUTE !!"


P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (2) P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (3)

photo by SharonChen P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (4)

P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (5) P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (6)

P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (7) P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (8)

P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (9) P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe - Food.com (10)

Ready In:


24 cookies



  • 34 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 12 cup butter, soften
  • 13 cup chunky peanut butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 12 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
  • 14 teaspoon baking powder
  • 18 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons grape jelly



  • In medium-size bowl, with electric mixer on medium speed, beat brown sugar, butter & peanut butter until light & fluffy.
  • Beat in egg & vanilla until well mixed.
  • Reduce mixer speed to low; gradually beat in flour, baking powder & salt.
  • Gather dough into a ball: form into a 12-inch long log, With fingers, press dough to resemble a loaf of bread by making top round & squaring off bottom.
  • Wrap & refrigerate dough several hours or until firm enough to slice.
  • Heat oven to 350*f.
  • Lightly grease 2 baking sheets.
  • With sharp knife, cut dough crosswise into 1/4- inch thick slices.
  • Place slices, 1 inch apart, on greased baking sheet.
  • If necessary, reshape cookie slices to resemble a slice of bread.
  • Bake cookies 8-10 minutes ot until just golden brown at edges.
  • Cool cookies 2 minutes on baking sheet, than transfer to wire rack & cool completely When cookies are cool, turn half side down on work surface.
  • Spoon 1/4 teaspoon grape jelly on each and top with another cookie, right side up.
  • Gently press cookies together to spread jelly evenly.
  • Store in airtight container.



  1. These were so good! I used creamy peanut butter. I found the dough was firm enough to cut after freezing for 30 minutes instead of chilling in the refrigerator for hours. Pressing two chopsticks on each side of the dough makes it easy to shape it into a sandwich bread. So fun to make and they were delicious!


  2. These were fabulous! I made them for my daughter class. She loved making them and they tasted great. They were too cute!! I did find that working with chilled dough was very important for keeping the "bread loaf" shape.


  3. Whay a fantastic, fun cookie!My DD and I made these yesterday, and she had so much fun. We filled some with chocolate icing, as not all in our family like jam, and they were great. Mine shaped very nicely, and I used creamy peanut butter as it was on hand.I did find that mine were fully cooked after 6 and a half minutes, so I would suggest keeping a close eye on them! (My first pan got a little over done)Thanks so much for sharing such a fun recipe!


  4. These are so cute! I did have a little troubel with the dough, as it didn't seem to want to stay together enough to roll and slice. I did use smooth instead of chunky peanut butter so I wonder if that was the problem. I rolled out the dough and cut it with a rectangular cookie cutter and then shaped it to look like bread. It was so hard not to just eat the dough raw, as it is so good! I spread grape jelly on one side and peanut butter on the other and it really did look like a sandwich! My daughter Kiandra snatched a cookie off the plate I was photograhing and devoured it! Yummy!





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<p>Hi ~ My name is Chef Poker ~ I have a Beautiful Daughter &amp; Grand Daughter... &nbsp;I was a Proud owner of a Landsheer Newfoundland Named Angel......... Now we have 2 Pappillions... Nothing like changing SIZE !! &nbsp;lol &nbsp;I live in the Beauifull Berkshires of Massachuttes.........&nbsp;</p>

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P.B.J.(sandwich-shaped ) Cookies: Recipe  - Food.com (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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