The 369 Manifestation Method combines positive affirmations and numerology (2024)

Lately, it seems like everyone is manifesting. The yoga teacher you follow on Instagram is manifesting a studio of her own, all while your coworker is manifesting a raise. You heard your bestie say she’s manifesting her ideal relationship. Even Kim Kardashian has admitted to dabbling in the technique.

While it may seem like this trend popped up out of nowhere, manifestation—or the idea that you can bring something into your life simply by believing in it—has roots that trace back to Ancient Greece. And there are many ways you can try it yourself.

One of the easiest ways to manifest your dream life is by using the 369 manifestation method, a simple strategy that combines affirmations with numerology and routine. This specific technique has taken over TikTok, as many users manifest their way to more money, better relationships, and even pregnancy.

But what is it? And does it actually work? Read ahead for what experts say about the 369 manifestation method and how you can apply it to your own life.

Meet the Experts:
Inbaal Honigman is a London-based psychic and tarot card reader who has used the 369 manifestation method for more than 20 years. Adora Winquist is an expert in the fields of plant and vibrational medicine and the founder of The Soul Institute, a co-creative educational platform for leaders and visionaries in the fields of alternative medicine and holistic lifestyle. Juliette Kristine Conner is a manifestation coach and intuitive healer based in Australia.

What is the 369 manifestation method?

The 369 method blends the ancient practice of manifestation with numerology. It requires you to repeat your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night for most effective results.

The concept of manifesting, or the theory that if you believe and embody the feeling of having something you want you can attract it into your life, is not new, says Inbaal Honigman, a London-based psychic and tarot card reader who has been using this method for more than 20 years.

'What we call manifestation now, 10 years ago we called the law of attraction,' Honigman says. 'Twenty years ago, we called it witchcraft and people got uncomfortable. And 30 years ago, we called it prayer.'

Like a lot of other rituals and traditions that have stood the test of time, manifestation works, says Honigman: 'I can honestly say there is no stronger magic than affirmations and manifesting.'

Though its roots are in the spiritual realm, manifestation is science-backed, too. Repeating affirmations, or positive mantras, is scientifically proven to decrease stress, increase quality of life, improve academic and work performance, and overall, make people more open to behaviour changes, according to neuroscientific studies.

You’ve likely already seen manifestation at work in your own life, for better or worse. Who among us hasn’t cracked one eye open in the morning, sighed, and thought, 'This is going to be the worst day ever,' only to have, well, the worst day ever? You proceed to step in freshly-poured concrete with new shoes on, spill coffee on your white shirt, and get into a massive fight with your partner, all before noon. Or, on the flip side, maybe you wake up and text a friend that you have a great feeling about the day—and then, bam, you receive an email with good news and walk outside to the sun shining. These are classic examples of your thoughts creating your reality.

How do I do the 369 manifestation method?

The key to making your dreams a reality: Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Practice makes perfect, but lucky for you, the 369 method is pretty easy to DIY. Here's how:

  • Pick an object or feeling you want in your life (for example, 'I am wealthy' or 'I have a loving partner').
  • Write it down three times first thing in the morning.
  • Then, write it down again six times in the afternoon.
  • Finally, write it down nine times at night before bed.

Continue practicing the 369 manifestation method every day, says Honigman. If nothing seems to be happening after a week, a month, or longer, she encourages patience. And while you may not feel like you're making any progress, take a moment to reflect on any small steps you've taken in the right direction.

For example, if you want to manifest a loving relationship, you might think going on multiple 'meh' dates is a sign of failure when it's absolutely not. Perhaps you started putting yourself out there more after beginning the 369 manifestation method. Through that one small action, you've changed your entire mindset by opening yourself up to love and learning more about yourself and what you want (or, ahem, don't) in a partner. After all, even suffering through a bad date creates way more self-growth compared to sitting at home.

What do I need to do the 369 manifestation method?

To use the 369 technique, make sure you have a journal or piece of paper and a pen or pencil. If you are feeling fancy, as I so often am, you can use a marker or gel pen, and perhaps purchase a new journal dedicated to your manifestations. Whatever makes you feel good!

On the metaphysical side, keep an open mind and relax your nervous system. Manifesting can be a great add-on to your existing meditation or breath work practices, too, says Adora Winquist, founder of The Soul Institute, who has spent over twenty years supporting others to find physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.

If there's any work you can do on yourself, too, that will put you in the best position for success, Winquist adds. 'To be open to receiving what you are asking for, you need to be a vibrational match,' she explains. You want a partner who is active, friendly, and emotionally-evolved? Well, start showing up that way yourself first. Make sure you’re on your hiking game, introduce yourself to people, and do the self-growth work.

If you’re hoping for more money, look for new work opportunities, start investing, or consider working with a financial advisor. Basically, figure out how you can maximise your current cash flow so you're prepared for all the good energy—and extra bucks—you’re calling in!

Why 3, 6, and 9?

If you're not familiar with numerology, the belief that certain numbers carry their own vibrations and have their own personalities, these numbers might seem random. But they've actually been associated with good luck and a connection to the universe for years.

Three is a number related to manifestations and the divine, says Winquist, referring to its significance in numerology. Many who believe in this spiritual modality credit Greek philosopher Pythagoras with its incarnation.

The number three, according to Pythagoras, is the 'noblest of all digits.' Nowadays, though, Winquist simply refers to three as 'magical.'

As for the other two numbers, six is related to harmony, a key element in manifestation, and nine represents the completion of a cycle, explains Winquist.

So, what do I write down?

It’s really up to each individual, but Honigman and Winquist have a few tips for first-timers. Winquist stresses the importance of remaining open and truly believing in your manifestations as you write them down. 'When we are present to the power of the moment and grounded, we open ourselves up to higher realms,' she says.

Not sure where to start? Allow these phrases to inspire you:

  • I have a loving partner who accepts all parts of me and is emotionally available.
  • I am a thriving member of my vibrant community of friends.
  • I feel respected and admired in my workplace.
  • I travel the world freely without worrying about money.

Does the 369 manifestation method really work?

Life coaches and manifestation pros will tell you the 369 method works, but they also might mention that there’s a certain trick to it. Spoiler: It has everything to do with your energy.

'You want to be in an energy of surrender around your manifestation,' says Juliette Kristine Conner, an Australia-based manifestation coach. 'If you feel needy or attached, this practice will just enhance the feeling of lack within you and make it feel pushed and forced.'

On a personal note, Conner was able to attract money, clients, success in her business, and more through manifestation. But none of that would be possible if she didn’t approach the 369 method in a state of surrender that helped amplify her positive intentions, she says.

In her own experience with money manifestation, Honigman recommends being as specific as possible—especially if you're on a deadline. When she was in her twenties, she spent a summer manifesting $800 to fund an August trip to Greece. She wrote and read her manifestation to herself as the method prescribes, and every day told herself, 'I have $800 saved when I want to fly to Greece.' She stockpiled her money and worked hard to make the dream a reality, only to find herself $100 short ahead of take-off. She was happy with her manifestation success (even if the universe didn’t deliver the exact cash value).

A day later, an opportunity presented itself. A friend who worked in a pub in West London asked Honigman to do readings for guests at a carnival. At first, she was hesitant. While Honigman is a full-time tarot reader now, she was only practicing on herself and close friends and family at the time. Then, something clicked: This was the chance she was manifesting! Honigman worked at the carnival for the weekend, earned exactly $100, and spent a blissful two weeks partying in Greece.

Basically, the method is effective if you believe it, but this one in particular helps with a restless mind. 'What the 369 method does is bring order into the chaos of our tireless minds, in setting out a schedule and a framework for our manifesting. The more intentional we are, the more effective our manifesting is,' Honigman adds. 'The 369 method helps channel our thoughts in an efficient, intentional way.'

She says that expansion manifestations—where you look to increase your income, the size of your living space, how often your crush texts you, et cetera—work particularly well with this method, because it is so closely tied to numerology and numbers.

How does the 369 method compare to other manifestation techniques?

Not only does the 369 manifestation method require you to hone in on your intentions via a specific routine, but it also harnesses 'the power of writing down your intentions in present tense,' says Conner. You can see what you’ve written, which will affirm your desires in a way other methods don’t.

'The big difference between using 369 and a practice like affirmations or visualisation alone is that it calls you to be more consistent and trains your mind to focus on the end result of what you want in a very deliberate way,' she adds. And, if you want to enhance the 369 method specifically, Conner recommends visualising what you want in as much detail as possible after writing it down.

If you like manifestation practices that involve writing down your intentions and numerology, there are a few other methods in the same vein. One is the 555 manifestation method, which requires you to write an affirmation down 55 times a day for five days in a row. Another is the 333 manifestation method, which requires you to write your goal down 33 times for three days in a row, says Honigman.

'With any manifestation technique, the more you can anchor into the feeling that your desire has already manifested, the more powerful it will be,' Conner says. 'This is because it’s our feelings that help to change our vibration and ultimately attract back to us what we want.'

So, grab your best notebooks and pens, and let’s manifest some magical moments!

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Women's Health US

The 369 Manifestation Method combines positive affirmations and numerology (2024)


How many times should you do the 369 method? ›

It requires you to repeat your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night for most effective results.

What is the strongest manifestation technique? ›

Step one: Think
  • Positive thinking. Address any habitual mental patterns that you engage in that paint the opposite reality to which you want to attract. ...
  • Meditation and mindfulness. ...
  • Journaling. ...
  • Gratitude rituals. ...
  • Setting intentions. ...
  • Visualization exercises. ...
  • Vision boards.
Mar 14, 2023

How do you write affirmations in 369 method? ›

In the morning, write your affirmation 3 times. In the afternoon, write it down 6 times. In the evening, write it 9 times. Repeat this practice daily for a period of 45 days to fully embed your intention into the fabric of the universe.

What is the 3 3 3 manifestation method? ›

The 33×3 manifestation method takes this one step further by using the power of thirty-three for three days. When you focus on something and feel it in your mind thirty-three times, you are amplifying its power. You are putting out a stronger vibration and attracting things that are in alignment with it.

How long does 369 method take to work? ›

How many days to do the 369 Method for Manifesting? I recommend doing it for 21 days (this is how long it takes to form a habit) and it also reduces down to the number 3 which is the first number in the 369 method sequence. Some recommend continuing for 33 days, 45 days, 93 days or longer.

What is the 369 rule? ›

How 369 manifestation method works? The method involves writing down your desired manifestation three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening. This repetition throughout the day is believed to reinforce your intention and signal the universe to bring your desire into reality.

What is the 777 manifestation technique? ›

Save this & apply it. The 777 manifestation method is a writing technique where a person writes down what they would like to manifest, 7 times in the morning and 7 times in the evening/night, for 7 consecutive days.

What is the 555 5 manifestation technique? ›

The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

What is the 555 technique in the Law of Attraction? ›

The 5x55 Manifestation Technique (or 55x5, 555 Method) is easy and powerful technique that will help you manifest your biggest desire with just 5 days of practice. Write your affirmation 55 times every day in one sitting for 5 days. Check this workbook and fill out your affirmations and change your live forever!

What is the 369 secret formula? ›

For example, 369 reduces to 9 (3+6+9=18 , 1+8=9 ) . Tesla believed that 3 , 6 , and 9 were the most important digits in this system , and that all other numbers could be understood in relation to these three . One of the Most fascinating Aspects of Tesla's theory of 369 is its relationship to energy and frequency .

What is an example of the 369 method? ›

Some have even said they've reunited with an ex-partner or former friend by using the 369 method specifically, for example by writing their ex's name three times, their intention six times and then an action nine times (e.g. Sam x 3, We will get back together x 6, He will text me x 9).

Who created 369 method? ›

Believe it or not, the great mind of inventor Nikola Tesla influenced this popular manifestation technique. Through his extensive mathematical work, particularly investigating circles (don't worry, I won't bore you with the details), he realised that everything seems to come back as either three, six, or nine.

What is the 11 11 method? ›

11:11- The Scripting Method

The scripting method allows you to use the law of attraction to rechannelise your subconscious mind with your dreams. All you need is a pen, a journal and your imagination. The first step is to start with a quick meditation to cleanse your aura and centre your vibration.

What are the four steps to manifest? ›

So, what's my secret formula for fulfilling your heart's deepest desires?:
  • Determining what you want.
  • Grounding your intention.
  • Eliminating subconscious resistance.
  • Detaching from the outcome.

What happens if I miss a day of manifestation? ›

If you miss a day of manifestation, don't worry! Just pick up where you left off and keep going. The important thing is to not give up and to keep your focus on your goals. Remember, the Universe is always working in your favor, so trust that the things you desire will come to you.

Can you do the 369 method multiple times a day? ›

Yes can but not with same technique , for multiple desire you can use 10*3 technique means you can manifest 3 desire at once , you have to write one desire 10 times , 2 -10 time & also 3 desire 10 time . you have write all 3 desire 10 - 10 times daily till it complete.

How many times should I visualize to manifest? ›

Ideally, do this twice a day – first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. The process typically will take 10 minutes or less. If you meditate, it's a good idea to practice your favorite visualization techniques immediately after your meditation.

How often should you manifest what you want? ›

“Once you start dialing in your manifestation process, there's no limit to what—or how often or much—you manifest,” Lombardo explains. “This includes new friendships and romantic relationships.” That said, it is important to only manifest individuals who will help you fulfill your goals.

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.