The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


from Detroit RT. fura, FORESTIALR rom. for AV. 241 per 11-2-room mo. suite.

and Lake 8 min. from Edgewater hark: ELEGANT SUITE OF NINE ROOMS! TRu every 3 car LATHS AND EXTRA LAVATORY: IN CHAW Front rod, now pri- THE FoR vate family, breakfast Do other 1. THE SUMMER THAN THE MONTHS RENTAL WILL TO LEAKE DENIR. AT ers. reasonable.

ABLE PARTY FEE OR PHONE SPRING Furnished GARDEN for AV'. tiaht 1547. hour Lakewood A. E. ROBINSON all convent Call WILLIAMSON W'.

14TH. 23 Room and board In private apartment. rooms and family; aide entrance. bathe, from May references tor 1097 W. W.

light housework: 1888 --2 ref. cely god. rooms SWELL of furn. multe. h.

near Euclid K. 101at; Garf, W. OATH. -fun. fanw: and all td.

for phone. 0131 R. 1 or 2 conticmen in priv. Anely W. 08 TIf, 203: -F'urn.

fr. or 2 cente; now ut May $30 to 3110. EDDY 1111. use of phone. aler R.

LET US DIRECT YOU HOUSES. to the bent rooms in the city, We have inaproted them. There no charge. ALAMEDA. 1445.

BEST SERVICE BUREAU room I and bath: all tnudern improv. Main 2300. Marlo AS W. 30 Euclid Arcade. ALLANDALE.

62. E. nr. Euclid- Half HOTEL OLIO 1027 Prospect: $3 to 13: dally A dbl. houme, 6 large car.

Eddy 747 M. wIth bath 00. E. location. Cleveland.

no. of Eu. ENe. 760, for Mr. clid; garage.

good MEAlS in and vicinity of -F. 79th and Sagamore ANNA 13 Giddings rd. N. home rooking fav. In Rosedale 4120 J.

ern and bath: Ane porches; let: ADJOINING front suitable for 1 or 2 BELLFIELD 12:2 New hotise, third lower noor; gents. Call 2294 M. part. Ave rooms, two additional of rIle turn. for tight to 3 to m.

SUITE ronnel poopie, Rose. 84.50 BELMAR RD, HEIGHTS- Double house, all LARGE clean room. $3. Eddy 8607 W. triodern conveniences.

Gardeld 179 W. CLIPTON 10111 Half dule. colonial: -ROOMMATE. 9 2 bathe sun Arrat in can bA day of E. TIST, 1940- Congenial tieman to share night: Marlo 8218.

rm. and board: sep. beds Rose 1939 W. DETROIT. 1-240.

Rooming house. 15 LADY 10 share optional, living $3 per room and k. Rosedale F. C. 1g.

sleepbedroom: breakfast 4133 J. 21CLID A 11431--12 8 elec. hot ing porch: $45. RESTAURANTS. CLEVELAND Dept.

TRUST CO. Rental NEW COURT prompt service RESTAURANT. 1511 best Prospect. pince EAST 81ST, 1912 to eat: Single boutA 9 Main 448T, FLATS E. OATH AT.

Ju-room house, loc. for AND TERRACES. Erie 30. DETROIT and Ridges and 3 4 rm. Leave 1t LEVITT REALTY ('0.

In. house; cloctrio lights, 3 garages, A -dur bede. atro. rent ready for $32. Sib.

Prom. .10 Cent. 2192. Aorti 1. Inq.

janitor, DETROIT cor liall, Lkwd. in E. 130TH, 8386 Cp; 5 front and back A steam heated dat; inq. of shoe maker. porch: modern E.

1418T. 1110. neer At. Clair TO mM, EAST CLEVELAND bath, econd Moor: $23 14 Taylor 20 noor sulte: A A and EMILY. 10.

5. nr. Euclid- of dbl. bath. hot water; modern.

Main 4401, Erte 30. 4 room: mod. Eddy INS E. T5TH. nr.

Euclid 6 and all FRY 1383. Lkwd -Now 6 r. modern: steam Janitor servire: $42. rage: $35. Main 800.

Hi. 5th St. Cent 6449 AV. 0008, near and THE SECOND REALTY 5T K. 105th--S roums, down.

$30. Tidy 8081 E. Phone Princeton MA HAMPAHIRE RD, HTH. Euclid. The and Lower 3.

1 vultu. 2 extra rms. bath. 1. 77th st.

An. with ht, 30 $43. Giar. 0498 J. A very light, airy apartment.

HAMPSHIRE 2412 Halt sleeping of new porch double and Southeast exposure. brick garage. 0. Six rooms and bath. LAKEWOOD Additional roolli for maid in! 133441 Detroit av.

Single 10 rooms: altic: 5 DAd: one at: bath 24 Anor, Anished basem*nt. laTke pa. d. Slain Erle 39. Also store room in basem*nt.

MANNERING 10.. 18A5-1A01 rooms and New one extra twoRent $65 per month. 01 31 Acor. 1. Main 0202: C'entrol family.

$80 and $32: 3 4044 1: elen Gardeld 12A7 bel. 6 and p. In. Garage if wanted. and May be seen by appointment MAYFIELD RD.

2806 all $45. (al lower half duplex: only. Atty. Pr 1113 BldR. Bell phone, Rosedale 1200.

10110, 2 off W. 102d nr. bath. CHIton blvd. -1'pper 110 E.

81ST. 1834 2 A Ant. 8d all adults pref. Inq. tower mutte: 4 r.

and bath, heat furnished; on premises porch, Main 4487. Erie 30. OA 1018 and hath, 2 rma. An. In attic: will 11719, corner of E.

118th Up; 1020, clone to $60. rent downstairs, 10 pref. I'rtnreton 2073 W. Eugene Rider. PARKGATE 3 down, $30; Main 2825 F.

113TH 1440-5-room multe, modern: April 1ml. Prospect W. heat; 482: Wade ('H I PARKHURST DR. 2-fainlly r. And b.

Park EMERSON. 1485 Coutant 1. -R new: modern: $29 ur. $29 down. let with garage.

Marlo 2504 M. 1108. 2-family. 4 r. and b.

rach: 2440 Overlook Luelld car to Derbyshire New beaut. rind. 8 baths. janitor. htd.

'The Arnold Morris Main 4276: ('eutral 700 I. EUCLID 14134-- Modern apartment; enclosed Run parlor. hardwood floore and Anish, Individual furnace heat. $30: cheapest suite In Cleveland; key at Suite 2. Call Main 4:31.

CUCUID 13000, E. Cleve. suite large roome hath in hich-ciaks ground Door. up date Janitor service. vac.

ciraber. 1224 Ontario. Main 2117. EUCLID C. coins.

open porch, steam heat; 450. Eddy 4130 M. EUCLID 2685 Almost now. A Anest construction: $65: ga N. VISCUS, Gardeld 8770 W.

Suite 64 bath, talcony. Elon. 21N2 or cad Euclid Villa. FAIRCHILD 10716 5 rooms And bath. -dor beda; beat furnished.

Main 4407. Erie 19. FORTIETH Cor. Prospect; 3 ima and hath. Seo janitor or phone Prospert 1434 FULTON And Riverside r.

up-to-date. J. M. Brock, 3A48 Fulton Lorain 444k. HOUGH AVE, 7405 Green Gables, rooms And bath; 33 bedrooms.

Main 4407. Erie 39 HOUGH and 1420 kitchenette: rms. nit bath: In -A- dor bed beat; VACuum cleaner: references required. 11200 LAKE AV. High apartment, Just completed.

of roome And baths, large Pin room overlonkInk Lake Erie; exclusive neighborhood. JanItor on premises or phone Main 5732. LAKEVIEW. 4 rms. Also 5 rm.

$33. Main 7440. 465 Leader News. Cent. 147.

MYRON APARTMENT. 2022 E. 77th-6 rooms and bath, $05; Janitor on promises from 2 to 5 p. In. P'LAZA.


and bath, lower suite. Call Baldy 1428 R. ROSEDALE. 41. Fut Cleveland floor of new 2-family; 6 rooms And bath: Anished room on 3d Aoor: $30; open today 0 to 4 or call Eddy 2364 J.

ATIVELL 12441 New 5-r. corner suite, with inclosed arc' $35. Main 800. STEARNS. 2133 rooms.

high-class. Inquire janitor, next door. Garfeld 5903 W. W. 25TH 3018--4 rooms and hath: e'ec.

light. water. $20: Alan 5-room suite, $25. Inquire at Tire Shop. or Main 4537.

W. 94TH 1421. Wolvin Apt. large room only $24. J.

De Kalaor, $95 East Ohio GAS Bide. WHY DO YOU RENT When down. bal. rent, you can own now house, 6 r. And hath.

all imp. h. A'. fire. and bedroonis white enamel, large lots.

good nr. car line. For information write or cAll deo. Weber 808 Erie E. 9th and Prospect.

LARGE modern. nr. CARY APT. steant LID 18425 stm. WHITTIER 4V.

5512--3 atm. ht. $26 The Cleveland Trust Rental Dept. HEIGHTS--5 and 0-room suites in Masonic Building: steam heat. Janitor serv.

rd. Ice; Inq. references; one janitor. one Euclid Heights car to Lee R.and bath; $21. all COHN.

modern 202 on AMERICAN Colt TRUST DIDO. MAIN 110. ROOMS and bath, steam heat, janitor, garAge. $35 Main 1221 TERRACES ADAMS AY. furnished flat.

with garage. from May to Nov. $45 per montli. 1'L no Mindy R. ADLA 1901 E.

rins. 40th and bath; corner steam Perkins: hent. Inquire basem*nt, side entrances DETROIT 10937 One. 2-rm. and bath, ple; $33; one in-a-dor 3-rm.

bed. accommodating 4 $33; elegant furniture and decorations. Sulte 2. Mario 3529 W. DETROIT.

10383--2 rooms and private bath; gentlemen preferred. Mario 3528 W. F. 77 th. 0049-Weston Apt.

large modern, nr. CARY -4 steam EUCLID --4 stin. $23 WHITTIER -5 atm hit. $24 The Cleveland Trust Rental Dept. E.

3087. Suite 1. doors from Euclid AV 6 besides maid'a room: cumpletely including silver, cut glass; every modern cony tAll afternoons or eveninga. Rosedale 4162 E. ACTH 1409.

-8 rms. and bath. complete.y heat: porch: $37 60. f'rin. 1448 R.

F. 105TH. 585- 4 and 6-room, sultee. compietely furnished. Eddy 352.

Princeton 641. F. 105TH. $15; West Ride. $.0: Fairchild, $00; F.

77th, $10. SIRS. VOSSELLER. EDDY 1111. HOUCH -Well furn.

3-rm. apartment; concealed bed; priv, tile bath: Individual porch; complete home; references. t- LADY. derrees B. Ph.

tutors lanrage, Eng. Gart. 8143 GERMAN speaking girl wants reneral housework. 2103 E. 15th.

FOR DAY'S WORK, plain. Call Prospect 254 ANY girl needing advice write to Salvation Army home, 5005 Kinsman Cleveland, or call in person STENOGRAPHERS. EMMA A. MATTOON, Public stenos rapher, multi. 882 Oid Arcade, Euolid end.

Mi, 5701. MISS L. L. CHANDLER. duplicating, multigraphing, C.


colored, white oleaners supplied free Star M. Cent. 5631. FOR RENT. ROOMS AND ROOMS AND BOARD.

Hotel, E. 18:0 and EuclidARDEN rooms, with or without 88 up; trans. 150 up. Pros. 1116; 6056.

bath: el. run. priv. weekly CARNEGIE. rooms for light 1 front, with bay window: ligita, sink, hot and cold water, range, kitchen inel.

phone. CARNEGIE AV. 3843-2 rms. for It. hakne.

front with bay); Al. phone: mink with hot' and cold water: range; kitchen cabinet. CEDAR. 1326--2 fura, rms for light running water, el. Ropedale 2767 J.

CEDAR. 8514 Large pleasant rm. for 1 or all conveniences. Gardeld R. CEDAR Nicely furn.

front 1 light Rood location. CEDAR 1301-Room and board; home cooking: reasonable: phone. CLARK rates. 500. 1219 75c.

Prospect $1: av. workly CROXDEN HOTEL. Prospect av. Residential and transient. Romedale 2034.


REQUIRED. E. 10TH, 15 rmis, frora $2.50 to all near car line: walking dintance. F. 22D, 150-Furn.

100m for light housekeeping: all conveniences E. 23D. 1102-Sleeping and light housekeeping rooms: all conveniences. E. 40TH, 2149-Large well furn.

seeping Ana for 2 gents: also amall single room; reamonable. E. C31) 1638-- Roonis for light housekeeping: single rooms: breakfast if sired. F. 63D.

single and double; all phone and plano: $2 up. E. 63D 1935-Large pleas. kitchen and dining priv. if all conv.

E. 05TH. 1848, Suite nicely turn front all gentlemen. Rome. 8.56 W.

E. 65TH, 2026, Dr. -Large el. stm. also amall gents; phone.

65TH, 1842-Furnished housekeeping room; all conveniences. Rose. 839 M. 1007. Suite 9-Nicely turn.

rn). for 1 or 2 gentlemen: all conv. Rose. 1820 W. E.

64TH. 1416-large front room, or gentlemen; mod. priv Suite 4. E. 68TH.

1779-Fr, 1 or 2 gents; priv. Wade car. Rose. 1918 M. E.

09TH, Light, cozy ronins for gentle. men. conv. Euclid car. FORt 1220 R.

E. 68TH, you are fond of good eat. ing and neat rooms, call; phone. E. BOTH, 1933-Newly furnished room, all conveniences.

Suitable for 2. E. 70TH, 2238 gentlemen horse only; for room and board with washing: price E. TOTH, 1935 -Nicply furn. sultable for 1 or home phone.

E. FIST. 1022-Nicely furnished front room, all conveniences: pirasant. E. MIST.

2053 Pleasant gentiomen Euclid car. Rose. 730 R. E. 74TH.

2220 2 rnie. for It. ning water. elec. $4.25 per week, E.

TTTH, 2043-Nice furnished room; mil conveniences. Rosedala 4029 W. E. TOTH. 1129 -Nicely furn.

rin. for gentleman. Suite E. TATH. 2126-Attract.

front mar. couple or gente; at. el. Cedar car. E.

1030-Room and board for 2: all mod. home cooking: garage. E. 618T. nr.

Euclid-Very desirable rm. for gentleman: private home. Garfeld 1387. D. 82D.

2083-One single and douhie sleeping rm. for gent or couple: reas. Garf. 1120 J. E.

820, 1419-- Nice rooms for clean men: meals: telephone service. E. 88L, 2127- Very plearant private home, Euclid or Cedar car. Garf. 8020 R.

E. 2102.cor. Carnegie -Desirable frt. rm, for 1 private family. E.

84TH. 1620-Large fur. elec. lie. running water: priv.

bet. Wade Park and Hough. E. SCTH. 1564-Pleasant private home (Protestant 1 or 2 gente.

Garf. 6020 M. E. BATIl. 1503-2 pleas.

front elec. lie furn. priv. home: genta. Garf.

3094 E. 88TH. 1614. Suite 8 2 large connecting furn. rooms for couple or single.

E. SITH, mome and bath: strictly private suite: mod. Rosedale 4232 R. E. ATTH.

Room. home cooking. tor priv. home: Payne var. Garf.

2. F. BOTH. 2077-- Fur. rooms, for or 2.

All conveniences. Garf. 2900 W. F. SATH.

1270- Comfortable rm, for 1 or gentlemen: all home privileges: Sup. car. E. 89TH, 2321 Modern home: room for 1 or 2 gents; 2 meala, Gart. 3303 W.

E. 90TH. 2056- Double and single excellent table board: bus couple or inen. E. AOTH.

3082-- Nirely furn. front mod. Euclid or Cedar car. Garf. 2514 W.

E. 9307, Well furn. 3 a indowa, wee of kitchen and phone. E. 9TTH large front room.

modern, large closet: freplace; new. 1y furnished. E. 100T11. 2078-2-room suite, with rent unfurn.

to dor. people: no housekeeping. Gardeld 8168 W. 100TH. 2022-Furnished rin.

for men; all conven. ences; Euclid car. K. 101ST. 1971.

off Euclid- Nico pleasant private el. phone. E. 1018T 1931, NEAR EU CLIP -NEWLY DECORATED ALL PHONE E. 101 ST.

nr. Euclid Room for an. Gardeld 3213 R. E. 102D.

near Euclid- Desirable room for or 2 ladies. employed. Garfeld 2333 R. E. 103TH.

2100, nr. Euclid and Cedar- -Twin twin dressers and den. large clothes closet. lath, suit. for 2 references, E.

105TH. 1221 -Nicely furnished room with near park; adults; Superior car. E. 105TH-PLEAR. PRIVATE HOME: EVERT GENTLEMEN.

EDDY 8467 W. 1. 105TH. 1221-Nicely forn. near restaurant and park; $2.30: Sup.

tar. 1. 617-Nicely furnished rootn: F. 110TH 1431-1 or 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. D.

Ily; 115TH phone. 1422-Single private no other roomer: gertie. or lady, employed. Call between and 1 p. m.

T. 114TH PLACE. nr. Furlid. Furn.

hakpe. ladles. Garfield 1080 J. EUCLID. floor 7214--2 recant mahogany furnished rooma: facing Euclid; private entrance to bath; sultable for 1 or 2.

Rosedale 1904 EUCLID Newly 4401, Chelsea Suite 1- furnished single and double room. EUCLID 6117 FOODIA for light housekeeping: 1, 1. 2 and 8-room sultes. with kitchenet. Rosedale 5171.

EUCLID 010G 1-2. The Room ECCLID turnished 0106 1-2. The Towers- Nicely roorn. Rosedale 6171. 1.

FERN HALL HOTEL Residential Ard 3250 transient. Euclid. Phone Pron. 1691. GARFIELD BI.VD., M- -Boarders German family: home cooking.

Broad. 1177 W. ITARLOWE PARK HOUSE. 1899 E. 105th Nice large room, tacing the park, for bustness man only.

HOME 7701-Handy to Euella or Payne car: pleasant rms for sentimen: phone service. KENSINGTON HOTEL 63D AND ECCLID. RESIDENTIAL AND TRANSIENT. ROSEDALE 8282. LEXINGTON, 6106--2 nicely furn.

front suit. or all conRosedale 5018 W. LORAIN, 11410-: rooms bath, up -todate: all conveniences: reasonable. OLIVET, 10216-Large rin. with board: nr.

103th and gentleman. Gar. 7001 PROSPECT. 4325-Larse comfortable front room for all conv: Rosedale 4547 J. PROSPECT, 3007, The Croxden-Hakpt.

I suites: newly decorated and nicely. furn. PRONPECT AV. 3617-2-100m suites for licht housckeeping: private bath. SITUATION WANTED.

FOR RENT. UPFICES, PERRY PAYXE BI.DG. office Inquire Itooin 511. Main 6221. PIUVATE in BIAK price.

including and pine merrice. about per muth: reply stating line FOR S. Plain Dealer. DESIRABLE in the Standard theater 811 Prospect very reasonable. Apply janitor.

RANT OFFICE- ROOM 419 HIPPODROME BLInI. MAIN CENTRAI 2430 W. PRIVATE office. furnished. telephone and stenographer desired.

228 Erie Midg. CHEAP offre. 14:42: divide The Wright Block 10308 Euclid; apply FARMS. 12 chicken, truck farm: good buildInge. fruit; mAin rond to Clove.

Elyria. Inq. C. A. Ba sore, 234 5th Lorain, 0.

Phone White 931. WILSON one-half mi. of May Reid Center- -133 10 house and harn, $373 yr. The Moreland Trust rental dept. 11 ACHES.

Maydeld with 2 store rooms, for 3. Simon. Kuchid. 54 ACRES. 1.2 mi'es from aquare, reasonInquire 2862 ASth.

IMMER COTTAGES, COMPLETELY furniahed 1-rm. cottage: on Lake at Stop 10, Lake Shore Areplace, newer, bath, aler. shall K. large acreened porch. 410 MarRM.

and board for reined coupie: summer on luke shore east. Eddy 8630 GARAGES. GARAGE. -Storage 15 commercial cars. 2509 Euclid AV.

Phone J. AUTOMOBILE maces in garage to rent. 8117 Euclid AV. $20 MONTH MAIN 1221. WANTED--TO RENT ROOMS AND ROOMS A AND BOARD.

WANTED By A pAnt muddle ago couple. or 8 ur furnished roonis for light hour keep. ing. between F. 40th and K.

56th marby; rent not 10 exceed $4 por week: at once. Address No 12. Second Flour Academy W. st. GENTLEMAN wants room with private family, vicinity Isrookaide park; permanent from April 23: state church connection.

of health. accommodations offered. torina 831 hon to reach realdence. HOx Y. Plain Dealer.

MINGLE man W' rat. with private party: all Inod. con no othor roomers; give particulars. Box 210 Plain Dealer. ROOM and board tor wife and care of small children during day; no boarding house considered.

Eddy 3240 W. WANTED 2 bath and kitchenette: unfurnished; phone price and location. Prospect 1770. ROSINESS man want. room and breakfast in quiet reined home.

411 Y. Plan Dealer. rooms with hath. E. Side.

by minters employed. fox 114 Y. Plain Dealer OR 2 unfurnished rooms for light hour keeping; phone. 2231 A7th st. FLATS AND TERRACES, WANTED- To rent, apartment, nix or ReL rooms, heated with between F.

and 385th. Carnegie and Superior. Rox 001 T. Plain Dealer. THREE or four-room apartment.

by couple. minutes from square, east or west only conchiered; atate rent, in answer. S. P. 4.

Box 12. HOUSES. STRICTLY modern bungalow or lower twofaintly, with come yard And whade: not over $25: unlist ha coni residence Hast Or West Side, Write full particulars. Addreas Fulton (1. Box 305.

City. WE, Laken can ond furnish amu West Side property. tenants The for Conelly 14309 Detroit. Marlo 177. WANTED--House of 8 or 7 rooms with garnear public achool; 111 lease.

Garfield J. 9 OR 10-room house, vicinity of St. Clair, Dibble Toth to Moth. by April I or 15. 1111 Helvidere a WELl.

located for rooming purposes, April 10 or later: give particulars. 1104 Cheatnut. LARGE for romning purpose: Euclid car, between 40th and moth. Eddy 381 COTTAGE or house. 3-8 E.

Hide: sonable. Address A. Wales 2324 E. 40th. ACCOMMODATIONS.

NISHED HOUSE Lake avenue. Clifton Park. or good residenre section In Lakewond: $75 to $100; w'H11 take lease: would like 0C- rupancy April 1. Call Miss Gurney. Th AB SW THE Itu.

Cent. 3177 W. FURNISHED Ant or Apartments wanted for by couple, no children: 2 or 3 rooms And hath for housekeeping; must be Haut Side: state rent. which must bA moderate. 00.

Stefan. 1040 E. 830 st. SMALL. furn.

ApArtinent by mt hare bedroom. steam lighta and W. hath: between not 3 Shie p. m. loc.

and Call 8 Garfield p. mi. WANTED 8 or 4-room furnished auite, (inity of lucid or Cedar, between 65th and 306th vouple writh 4-year-old child. Phone Prospect 8264. FURNISHED house with conveniences for the In c'hagrin Falls or vicinity.

R. M. 2175 E. 4th st. TEN or more bedrooms, sultable for bachelor apartments, 001 or Quelid.

Box 508 Plain Dealer. HAVE tenant walling for your furn, house or Keller. Eddy W. SUMMER COTTAGES. WANTED Small summer cottagA on lake front east, or Inland lake near Cleveland.

with priv. of buying. Edge. 2370 W. or Hos 108 Plain Dealer.

WANTED- Bratenabl or Furnished Frissolis, cottage in vicinity of Box e08 Y. Plain Dealer. HI SINES PLACES. FACTORY BUILDING WANTED. To light rent machine building, suitable for manufacturing shop would conIn aider reply building located in Cleveland or suburb.

tion. Address state size, Cowles location Tool and full deacripFirst Na tional Bank Pittsburg. l'a GARAGES. GARAGE or barn, near Superior and E. 12th.

Monroe Hotel. 1110 Superior BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AMUsem*nTS AND GOLD. If In on the ground floor ft great big feature and can invest a few Ar lars a month. let UR have your name and address at once.

We have the best making feature In America. fou dollars month will let you in. AddreaR Box 504 X. Plain A MONEY MAKER Confectionery 011 transfer corner: doing Arat-class business; new fountain and Axtures; established 30 years: a bargain If sold at once 011 account of faintly troubles. McMAHON BROS.

Cent. 154. 014 Amer. Trust Bldg. Main 8843.

ACTIVE INTEREST wanted in Cleveland manufacturing concern; half or controlling Interest preferred: will furnish best reference: executive ability: must stand thorough Investigation. Bo: Plain Dealer. BUSINESS partner to Invest $5,000 in rood profitable business: $50 por week drawing Rect. guaranteed; business experience not PARATY: munt put in time there. Box A.

Dealer. BARBER SHOP'. cigars, cigarets, tobacco and candy: on account sickness: for Greek. Polish or Hungarian. 6911 Quincy.

Call f'rin. 2047 Broad 1179 W. Call Tom. BUTTER and PER route: clears $50 trial APPLE given: E. End: 327 same with Ford owner Schoneld car.

Ride. A BARRER SHOP and pool table; bout location in E. End outskirts: doing good business. $300; no mortgage. 1045 Ivanhoe rd.

BARBER SHOP and pool: big worth sell hall down: Crest 444 BARBER shop, 3 chairs. pool table: good location: W. Side. Call 1462 W. 3d st.

BARRER SHOP for sale; $175 cash. 1420 66th st. PARRER SHOP AND POOL ROOM 4152 SUPERIOR AV. N. E.

CIGAR sand: Includes Axtures; Mah'. beat: sales $1.00 mo. up; arcr. sickness. $1.2 0.

Box 21 A. Dealer. CONFECTIONERY. cigars, light grocery; factory trade; good $375 cash. Lorain 1817 W.

CONFECTIONERY STORE. Doing good business; fine location: will sell cheap, 14131 Euclid av. CONF. store: excellent terme or exchange for lot. Eox 101 Plain Dealer.

1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL GOOD Machine abup and foundry raking Ca 70 A ft, re I Ohio city of CaN port. $13 Fiou: raft. 41ge bus bilched; In from operates by 'Ar 8 AgO P. Ry choice clay mines. for 25 854.000 Heed planting hine plant.

new bulldines. unedi by largest piantere in America. and plant: Over 100 making now: coal, and clay: near Canto. THE OHIO BUSINESS BUREAU. 621 Gar deid Ride.

Main 1084 Write AT for How to EN Obtain Pa'ent, list of Patent Buyere and Inventions Ranted. in prizes offered for inventiona. Hend sketch for Free opinion of patentability Our Four Borks rent FREE. VICTOR J. EVANA Washington, D.


Open Saturday nights by appointment CONFECTIONERY for rale, on transfer corner, between 2 schools, doing good business: will sacriAce cheap it sold at once; raving city. Box 116 A. Plain Dealer. CONFECTIONERY for sale, app. American league ball park and school transfer corner: 6 living rooms; 5-vr.

lease: must sell on necount of sickness. 154A E. BAth at. COMPLETE cosmetical manufacturing tablishment with valuable formulas: Irasp: other business neceanitates sale. Box 709 l'iain Dealer.

CONFEC. pool: get busy: make offer: terms. GEO. F. GESSNER, 911 CITIZENS BLDG.

CITIZENS, 2318 Ontario buys and and store natures. R. EXCEPTIONAL GRO'ERY. yearly males wealthy hotne owners: nets monthly: Incite Investigat.on of bone AdP investors only; invoice cash. Box v13 Plain Dealer, EFFICIENT InAn has and services to invent.

Box 319 Main Dealer. FOR SALE -Morning and Surtay newspaper route: Incated in the best realdential section of East End; 2,100 dallies and 1. smaller route for sale locate! in East End. Box 1212 Plain Dealer. FOR SALE ten Aharea or in the Cath.

olle Bulletin Co. publishers of 8 tierman Catholic paper. at $7.00 per share. Box 717 W. Plain Dealer.

FOR SALE- shares of Hoperior Building LOAM At. 105 value 110. Rox M7 Y. Plain Dealer. FOR HALE Electric shop revalring shop, stitcher.

Finger Aidsher. Detroit av, GRO. good F. End doing $300 wk. acct.

partnership; sac. A 410 worth $1.400. Bldg. M. DERRIN.

GROCERY- East Side: rash; Ane loration; weekly receipta no credit; 8. gold mine for right party; will trade for ernall farm; principala only. Box 1010 F. Plain Dealer. GROCERY $400 wk.

fear round. montly Invoice no AxtUrPR to buy. MYERS. MM) Guardian Bldg. GEO.

T. MS SON SCHOFIELD BLDG INVESTMENTS, GROCERY. location. East End: doing nice business. Box 903 Plain Dea'er, HOTEL and restaurant: 20 rt.

$75; clearing $300 regular and $1. terula. W'. M. OURBIN.

419 Bidg. LOCATED IN THE NEST CITY in the U. 8. I specialize in business opportunities; write ine. 0.

A. ALSPAUGH. 611 Flatiron Akron, 0. MRAT 8 good cash A Cooler. AYS; slicer, cash register.

new arale. two 12-fl. counters. 2 bent racks. 2 spring and 3 clocks, lard presser, stuffer.

tools. Act quick: $413. Print. 1861 W. MEAT market doing same stand Ally Investigation; price $.400 down.


W. Nide: cor. rash sales $800. no delivery, for quick price $150: terms. APPLE CO.

827 Schofeld Didg. MILK BUSINESS for sale: own beat trade: good atock; consider trade for real estate: sella 8 CAR daily; reason for selling. Call Central 8428 L. MUST atock shell groceries and confortionery, cheap if bought al once. Owner, RoredalA 2774 J.

MEAT market for sale, cheap. 10132 St. Clair. OPPORTUNITY The president and owner of 0-3 stock in a $20.000 corporation. handling auto supplies.

will pay from $7.000 to $10.000 a year, would consider desirable real catate: retiring from artive business life only reason for selling. Box .4. Plain Denier. PRODUCERS of resulta. inventions oped.

models, experimental work And stamping. The John Machine Works corner Leonard Pt. and bus rd. Main Central 687. PATENT on electrical devive for Aale: large demand; cheap to good price can 1 obtained for same: Investigation solicited.

Inqutre Geo. D. Rogers. 919 Iluron rd. P'rospect 250.

PARTNER WANTED, with f01 2 MIN proft: gilt edge: ACt APPLE Hidg. interest in est. light mfg. A PICTURE ahme, 330 seats, for sale Or change for 4 or 4-faintly 3-year lease; Simplex machines and generators. P.

0. Box 1.0. city. PENNY EN vending machines: ech. for Auto or delivery.

Hox 4512 T. F'lain Dealer. RMG. HOUSE. or.

Euclid and 35th-12 rt. 340. inc. $115; leaving city. MUST price $500.

Lorni8 $280 down, bal $23 per mo, STONE. 305 Penn 4q. Euclid and 53th. KOKE. 2142 W.

RM0. HOUSE: just listed: 13 rent $45: garage: elegant well price $750: terma, $100 cash. APPLE 527 Schofeld Aldg. R.MG. house: 15 16.

of 53th: el. g. furn, clearing $100 over rent: $1.500, terma. Act quick. W.

M. DURBIN, 419 Schofeld Bidg. house, 14 rt. $33: G.RB Income Burden. $100: 311 price Citizens $425; terms.

Ridg. Maln 1071. RMG. house. 14 large rms.

garner 2 cars: will exceptional bargain for hixh clARA place; principale. After 4 p. 1443 F. 03d st. RESTAURANT: bury transfer APPLE 327 Schofeld Bide.

Just listed. sales $550 elegant equipment; price $1.300: terms. A RMING H8E. -14 rent $50. elec.

quick st. sale. C. inc. LORE.

$150: 439 price Garfleld BidE. for RESTAURANT. main transfer long lease; good bustners: $875: terms. Frank W. Emaile, 409 American Trust H.

46 rent $133: Inc $3.900: terms. Many others. Harding. E. With st.

East End A room. 2. batha: rent $32.30: Inc. $120; price 1961 E. 20th st.

ROOMING houses at all prices: best liat in city. Grill 112 Williamson Ridg. Lorain. A Lorain 1263 W. RESTAURANT.

alock and fixtures. 9836 SALOON and restaurant for sale. near steel works. working day and night; good chance I for hustler; cheap rent; Leisy beer: family trouble; act quick. Box 225 A.

Piain Dealer. SALOON over a day business: good reasons for solling: answer to Box 103 X. Plain Dealer. SUSSER ESTEE High-clase Investm'ts. 507 New Quardian Bid.

SALOON Euclid trade, asume to SOON. F. Krause, Leader Hidg. To buy or sell ring. houses, Are A.

N. 410 Standard Theater Bldg. VENDING machine business: big chance for 7 few hundred. Box 518 Y. Plain Dealer.

WANTED a man or wOmAn of good business Ability to take the posttion of secretary for A big Chin corporation. A lifetime propaition of unusual merit; must be Able to inveat In the securities of the company. For appoint. Add. Box 002 A.

Plain Dealer. WANTED two second- hand bowling alley must be in drat condition and able: rive full particulars as to price. condition and equipment Address Thomas Bacher. 617 Wilson Youngstown, 0. WRITE us the kind of a business you want; hare all kinds.

Gilbert Realty 0. WRITE tor a list of Akron business opportunities. American Realty $100.000 MFG. corporation wants capable man to manare office And salesmen: unlimited: from $900 to $700 capital necessary: you handle own money; will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man want. Manager, 1012 Republic Chicago.

apartment. centrally located on Broadway at Lorain; large lot: bargain it taken at once. Gilbert Realty Elyria, 0. FOR SALE Smith Truck THE FAMOUS ATTACHMENT FOR FORD CARS Guarantees backed by $14 capital. Truck complete can had for 1-5 down.

balanre 12 monthly postcard entalis no obligation and salesman will call upon you at once. After carefully considering all attachment THE CITY OF CLEVELAND has plared their order for feet 0. SMITH FORM A TRUCKS THE SMITH TRUCK SALES INC. 890P-18 Broadway. Phone -Broadway 1473 and 1474.

Union 1100. Soid In Western Cuy. County by JAMES I. BURNS Olmsted Fella. 'Bell Phone 35 X.

1916 Brisco touring. $475 1916 Maxwell 400 1915 Buick 350 1916 Oldsmobile 850 OLDSMOBILE 2344 Euclid Pros. 2694. Cent. 1371 W.

Ford Delivery Bodies Everything in bodies. business or pleasure. do everything necessary to make your pleasure car Into a real business car or repair and remodel your car for plearure. 200 BODIES TO SHOW YOU Eitber for your regular Ford or any attachment you may have. My large assortmont select from, my prices, my work and the general business treatment will please you.

GEORGE C. BELL 8043-45-47 Carnegie av. REDDEN ruck 1-TON TRUCK ATTACHMENT BEST FORD ATTACHMENT Recommended by largest Cleveland users; demonstration any time: no danger of suits for Infringement. Dealers wanted In Ohio. EQUALIZER MFG.

CO. 824 Woodland. Prospect 787. 1917 FORD SEDAN Electric lights and starter; like new: price $650. OLDSMOBILE.

Pros. 2694. Cent. 1371 W. MAXWELL CARS Sold on easy payments: uned cars taken in cars; we also specialize on vulcanizing and trade; a repairing and painting all makes of Ford service.

WOODLAND AUTO SERVICE CO. Prince. 1364. Rose. 3506.

EVERYTHING IN TIRES. Tires, all standard maker, Arst And seconds. Free delivery service. Open dally from 8 to 8. Sunday from 1 to Leon JaffeaR, 6100 Euclid av.


THE DELIV. ERY 2126 F. 21ST AT. Cheater av. at E.

216t. Both phones. M. WELDING a CO. Whitney Oregon av.

Prospect 201S. DODGE BROS. TOURING Fully equipped. repainted and completely overhauled; can he bought at a very reasonable price. THE NEIGHIRORS MOTOR CO.

WA guarantee work. Let us figure. for $1.000 1917 Chalmer3 (blue) roadster. equipped: with factory and dealers' guarantee; car has been driven from Detroit to Hanlusky: if yOu want this Par write quick. John E.

Sweet, care Farrell -Cheek Strel Foundry Sandusky. 0. BOILER. WELDING. Our holler welding la done by bollermakers.

We Cnich the job, redrive rivets and cork. THE METAL WELDING COMPANY. 4400 PERKINS AV. BOTH PHONES. PACKARD 4-DABS.

coupe on Republic chassis; generator and 15 clectric lights: needs Paint, and 2 tires are worn; guarin splendid condition; rare bargain A for Garfield cash. $370. A. ('. Reinecke.

M. 3113: res. 5-PASS. SEDAN. $375 Fully equipped.

perfect running order: will sacrifice for quick sale. Edgewater 3408 W' after 6 p. m. 1914 CADILLAC COUPE elec. starter, 5 tires: just overhauled: bargain, cash.

Garfeld 1210 J. 1914 MARMON limousine: elect. equipped. new Kelly- -Springfold tires. one extra: must be seen: this is the best barg.

In price $373. Marlo 3042 J. OVERLAND 1916, 83 touring. completely overhauled and refinished: will consider Ford roadster RE part payment. 11601 Detrolt av.

Marlo 3074 TO OVERLAND. electric lights and starter: needs painting. but otherwise in good condition; good tires. Mario 3072. 1412 W.

110th. FORD roadster, driven 52 miles; Westinghouse starter and wire. wheels, nonAkid, leaving city. Box 413 Y. Plain Dealer.

THE JOLLY WELDERS We make our customers happy, too. EBERHARD WELDING 2167 2d st. C.ADILLAC like 1914 new: T-pass, and overhauled, 1912 painted. new tires: sell or trade. J.

Cort. 2531 E. oath. RADIATORS Cleve. 4 Auto Lamp Rad.

E. 53th. Day and night service. Cen. 0450 Rose.

4141. RADIATORS Fenders, Lamp lamps, rep. The 1614 Prospect. A Pros. 020; Cent.

8449 L. Radiator TIRES Full tubea; line of new and used tires. we buy, eell and trade. Tire Shop, 5307 Euclid. Both phones.

MIT and 'HELL electric Lxht Six. Ane shape: starter lights; $900 worth of extras: dirt cheap. Rosedale 3100 Mr. Huntington. OVERLAND, 1916.

modei 83. 5-passenger: this car 15 in the best shape and it will pay you to see it. 1412 W. 116th. Mario 3072.

DELIVERY 75; CAr, -wereen 1016 top, Overland, side model curtains: $250. Call Prospect 1940. AL'TO-LITE Plectric starters. Bosch mAgnetos: going at $15 while they last. Prog rasa Auto Parts.

5113 Euclid. BAKER Electric coupe. brand new batteries: bargain for quick sale. 1412 W. 116th.

Marlo 8072. SAFE WELDING CO. Welding of all metals. 12357 Euclid. Garfeld 8387.

THE R. C. HULL, SUPPLY CO. Storage batteries recharged. rented.

Both phores. 1800 Euclid av. RADIATORS lamps. work. fenders: 1007 guaranpect.

C. 4127 W. 1914 condition. OVERLAND new touring car: Arst-class Reid 5440 J. tires: will sell cheap.

GarRADIATORS Repair Fenders repaired. 1002 Chestnut Becker SELF STARTERS. generators, lights patred. Witt. 1214 Prospect.

Pros. 393 J. RADIATORS 5107 Made, Euclid regullt, Rose. repaired. 050 Magnetos and wired.

col's Biseinger, repaired. 1611 cars Prospect RADIATORS Son. Repaired. 6821 Detroit. Murphy CARBON Burnt guaranteed.

out, 25c 1819 per Euclid. work GARAGES lowest prices, work Eddy guaranteed: WV. GARAGES prices. Bitt-well Eddy are best: lowest 5332 W. USED CARS THE 1615 EUCLID LOTELAND AV.

1913 7-PASS. CADILLAC touring car: rood cond. Gart. 6385 J. 2574 F.

129th. AUTO Hospital radiators. 2016 fenders. E. 2d tanks, st.

lamps. WINDSHIELDS repaired. glass B. B. Windshield 6528 Carnegia FOR SALE -AUTOS.

FOR BALE--AUTOS. on 't buy any TRUCK- un il you look over the DENMO. quipped with Electric Ntarte lectric lectric Spot Lights, Light. Bumper. Speedomete Governo Motometer, License Holder, etc.

Ow recognized as the 44 best y' on the market. ade in Cleveland- -giving trouble. you fa tory service--in time of Wn a DENMO '-and your "Truc are reduced to the min- A ing imum. TON CHASSIS--for 9 or 10-foot Body $1,385 Longer wheel base--for 12-foot extra COMPARE WITH COMPETITORS THE DENNELN MOTOR CO. Factory, Coltman Road.

Office and Salesroom. 12207-13 Euclid Ave. ACT QUICK We have had many used car bargains, but seldom anything to equal these, which will remain unsold only for a short time. 1 25 twin 6 roadster. 1916 Studebaker coupe.

38 Packard coupe. 13-38 Peerless roadster. 14-39 Packard 5-passenger. 1913 C'adillac limonsine. 1911 Mitchell coupe.

1912 Winton, 5-passenger. 1911 Pierce-Arrow, 7-pass. This, however, is only a partial list of our USED CAR BARGAINS. USED CAR DEPARTMENT THE PACKARD CLEVEL.AND MOTOR COMPANY 5200 Prospert AV. Rosedale 2990.

EU modern: Ready. April 1. Stephan. 007 Amor. Trust.

now: $10 up. $20 down. SOMERSET off K. side of double house: preferred. 14122.

Heights, 1-2 double hotter, heat, adults. Gart W. WALTON AV. U'nstaira, 5 ring. And bath; All W.

9311 1871. 4 rooms and bath; rod location. W. 104TH. 190...

Plea. 14t Anor 5-rm. matte in new double. near Clifton. NEW houses $25 up, $27 down: 1201.

1283 Webb neAr ton on promibom 1-3 p. m. Chas. Koch NEW. 8 rooms and bath.

$10; half block from Shaw High school. 11. H. Howard 501 Hayden av. Crest LOVELY rooms, porches, $12: big 3 yard.

bath. electric lighta, downstairs, rooins up. Bros lway 1177 W. 9 ROOM. 2 Lathe, parlor.

porch, Main 1221. MODERN D-r. house. near E. 103th And Euolll.

17A0 E. 93. Gardeld 450H1 MR. PROPERTY OWNER We rent, you collect; list with uA Main 1221. I 011 Clifton bed $95 per month.

Garf, 8010. 8 ROOMS. 1 batha, EAT $05- Main 1221. MOVING VANS. $1 PER HOUR Laport packers for shipping Arepront atorboth phones.

Kacie R00 Earle ay FURNISHED HOUSES. BEACHLAND will Furn. realdence for rent elderly 10 coupie who toard ou ner. 811 018 Phone Nottingham 4.3 M. 11816 Well furnished house, April 13 Oct.

1.1 P'hor. Eddy 4790 J. E. 813; 1S. h.

$40; Forest 11ll. $70; othere, EDDY 1111. E. 87TH 1A41 House and garage, MAy to Oct. Phone Maln 200.

E. 14187. 1072 5 rm bath. stairs 2-family. Eddy W.

ETHEL 1840. 1kwd Siodern turn. home, Marlo It. ROOMS AND BATH. $65 MONTIT.



105TH Want to rent about 1-3 of store: other part sells athletic goods. Apply Geo. W. Hale, MAYFIELD near Superior, Cleveland lleights--Ner: stores, rentals very low an we believe In diving our tenants every vantage to miRke Rood. Ing.

M. C. Stone, Rockefeller Ride. Minin 1091. NEW STORE Scranton place for dry cond a or shoe store.

J. F. ('ent. SUPERIOR 13343-5 Store excellent for retail purposes; South wide of street. Main 4401.

Erie 80, I DETROIT AV. Lakewood. Will be vacant April 1: suitable for shop, genta' furnishings or any Inquire room 1. Detroit av Highland 438 9. ARE foot in new building.

near! Emolld and E. 9th for light manufac or HAi The Leasing BulldIng 1214 Ontario. LEXINGTON and 75th st. 2 stores, boat for bakery. mil'inery or barter and tailore: no comp fition 5365 I'rinc.

3006 ST double store. 5204 34 Store, good 11x00 for or 17x50, automobile or sundries or salemroom. M. 3333. 1 NICE store ronnis, bldg would like millinery and delicatessen.

Call Roardale 3034 before 10 A. Ni. LARGE store. 11307 Huckeye suitable for any business. Inquire at 4153 E.

128d st. I'ntou $38 GOOD, large store room. corner Ashbury and E. 1224 st. Inquire 2022 F.

125th 2d floor, ST. CLAIR N. cor. E. lor.

for any business, ent L'ali Main STORES. Broadview rd. and W. 23d st. See C.

F. Thomas, 1008 Williamson Bldr. STORE 3. -3000 Cetar and F. 30th.

Garneld J. Suite 10, 1476 Antel rd. KINSMAN. 7710-Larke store: 0:2. The Cieveland Trust Rental Dept.

AV. 0300 -Store on busy corner: tent reasonabie. Inu. Janitor. SEE Te for desirable locations.

The Poneliy Main VAN FACTURING SITES. HEAD I ALTERS FOR FACTORY SITES Schauffler Realty 318 Leader-News Bide QUINCY. 10011-2-atory 20x50 wood. AnY light $25. 10.0 15r FOOT.

Main DESK ROOM. DESK room with telephone and pher service furnished. Room 410 Standard Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING I for a good used car, vou. had better see 118 before purchasing.

We have used cars from $100 to $850. THE OHIO-BUICK CO. Used Car Dept. 19th North of Euclid Phone nun her after 5:80 p. 01.

and on Sundays -Prospect 2604. 1917 JACKSON 8-CYL. We have a 1917 Jackson. S-cyl. touring car contract left with us.

party will sacriAce $20) on purchase price of car, same the tO he delivered by the Cleveland agency of Motor Co. 86 per agreement with Jackson them: $1.015 net will purchase this $1,213 cAr delivered in Cleveland. $27. 1913 Overland touring $400 191t; 1916 Maxwell Chevrolet $430, roadster 1914 Cadillac touring A Studebaker mix. 1916 THE A ENGLANDER MOTOR CO 6018 Euclid AY.

Rosedale 2012. Princeton 477 W. Distributors of the Hupmobile FORD Equipped with box delivery body: fine condition. This car will be sold this week at $275. Excellent bargain.

Inquire Mr. Bruce, Wuest factory, E. 19th st. and l'ayne av. Prospect 576; Central 4816.

1916 FORD TOURING CAR New last August: has starter and considerable extra equipment; an exceptionally gond car at the price. THE NEIGHBORS MOTOR CO. Chester av. at E. 21st.

Both phones. OVERLAND big 6. 1916, run 3.000 miles; $150. One 1816 Overland touring. A-1 ahape; $430 pold at once.

Overland-Roth 11602 Detroit av. Marlo 2364. FOR SALE-A beautiful Stevens: touring car, model in every respect: mileage about 10.000: price $1,000. John R. Lyman.

Springfeld, Mass. BUICK TRUCK Run 5.000 miles; good AS now: bargain. 1695 Crawford rd. Gardeld 3803 J. FORD PASSENGER CAR.

with light, 8- passenger glass enclosed body; W. Ane bargain at $250. J. Thew. Marion.

PIERCE Arrow, inodel 1914. macater: 49 h. elect. Its. And starter: cheap.

Garf. 4371 W. A-1 just overhauled and painted, lights AnI starter: will sell cheap. Call 3-PASS. 1914 in fine shape, elec.

1382 E. 95th. Gardeid 4992 J. SLIGHTLY used Chevrolet, touring car: a bargain; terms. Mr.

Long, 1920 Euclid av. Pros. 2070, 1018 5-PASA. Auburn: 5. good tires: looks and Ir like now.

See White, 2117 Cheater. Prospect 1735. 1912 STUDEBAKER Touring car: 1913 Ford Roadster. Superior and 105th Garage, 1258 E. 105th st.

4-CYLINDER Peerless truck: good running order; $175. 12213 Eucl AV. Denmo agency. FORD touring. 1917: driven 200 riles: leav.

ing wity. Princeton 1173 905 E. 75th st. EXPERT Repair, 3823 any car; Prospect. popular rear.

8-4-TON Ford trurk; Olson mE springs, length. end chassis. Sir. Whitcomb. 1504 E.


electric lights, tarter: no reas. offer refused. Call Eddy 3117 J. LIGHT 5-pasa. touring car; excellent 8910 Wade Park.

Rose. 2651 J. PAIGE 1815. touring; bargain. Rose Eddy 447 J.

LOCKSTITCH D. T. tire repair. 19:0 E. 13th.

Prospect 2147 J. AUTO tops 6t. recovered Clair. and Central repairing. 5838 L.


$240 it sold at once Overland-Roth 11002 Detroit av. OVERLAND Roadster: -class running condition: $225. 2114 E. 00th st, 1918 NATIONAL HIGHWAY JUDD AUTO 1214 HURON RD. FORD.

rOadster delivery: A-1 cond. E. 135th, Suite 1: Eddy J. DODGE 6719 1916 Carnegie touring. AV.

Brennan McBride, OVERLAND. 3-passenger. practically Dew. 1124 E. 80th BL HUDSON super six 7-passenger, driven very little; A-1 condition; will sell at a sacrifice.

Rose. 2929. W. st. WANTED AUTOMOBILES.

WILL take medium priced auto as part payment on 2-fami. on Grandview Cleve. easy terms on balance: up-to-date in every detail. 10607 Pasadena. Eddy 2374 W.

WANTED cars, Wrecks, any junk and condition. burnt American Auto Sales Parta 2119 E. 55th. Rosedale 5017 Central 6138 W. PITTSEURG, Prin.

Auto 1258 Wrecking will buy 7119 White Censteamer. Winton, electrics, gas cars, burned cara, any condition; $125 or less, cash. WANTED -Wrecks and junk automobiles of every description; highest cash prices, 2134 E. 55th st. Rosedale 1558: Cent.

619. USED CARS: any condition; get my price before you sell; and ancesdories for sale. 4500 Cedar, Rose. 8995. USED and useless cars.

parts and accessories bought and sold. L. M. Auto Wreck 5110 Cedar. Rose, 548: Central 1251 WANTED -Ford roadster: preferably selfstarter and demount.

rime; good '10 or '17 model. Box 123 Plain Dealer, WILL accept rood used CAr 88 down ment on iny Heights lot. Room 211, Euclid-Penn. 5200 Euelld av, WANTED- Light 5 or car; atate year and make: $200 down, bal. $50 month.

Box 317 A. Plain Dealer. HIGHEST pricey raid: oid autos for scrap. 2830 19th. Garfield 708; Princeton 474.

USED and useless cara bought and Bald; highest prices pald. 4533 Payne. Rose. 2795. WRECKS Old R401 cars Central bought; av.

highest prices. 1830. WASTED- Ureless cars. also Stand, trucke, Auburndale 2102 Abbey. Harvard 144.

WRECKS and prices. old 2515 cars E. 38th. bought: R. 5082 highest J.

A for AUTOS all wanted, makes. 1546 any E. condition: 55th. Rose best 5244. prices HAVE SHO cash for a '16 or '17 model Arepassenger car.

Box 414 T. P'lain Dealer. A Second hand vulcantzer tools for rubter tires, Tuff. 053 E. 1031h GARAGE WANTED: LARGE PORT.

ABLE. 2830 PROSPECT AV. WANTED--A A portable steel garage. C. PINYOUN'S P'ortable and Stationary Garages.

2526 Carnegie Ave. Pros. 880. WINTON truck, tons; Al condition; make offer. 1168 E.

60th st. A FINE Winton six; must sell quickly. 2705 N. 1196 F. 63d AUTOS AND TRUCKS TO HIRE 1917 1-PASS.

Chalmers touring car with driver: $2, and 1-pass. Cadillac, 82 50 per bour. Pros. 3220; Cent. 4055 W.

1917 7-Passenger sedan for hire: good driver: $2 per hour or contract. Broad. 465 of Princeton 2898 R. AUTO. trucking by hour, day or contract.

Cuyahoga Transfer Co. Pros. 1009: C. 2793. ABERDEEN AUTO LIVERY -1016 Ohismoblies $2 per hour.

Nose. 3.90; Cent. 2302 W. MOTOR trucking job. day or contract: towest rates.

Moore Mansell, Rose. 2004 J. 11-2-TON TRUCK by day ur hour or tract. Central 2746 V. 1916 MAXWELL at per hour; careful driver.

Hosedale 2800 J. THE RED TAXICAB CO. at your service. Prospect 2041: Central 16. FOR HIRE.

1017 Ford touring car, $1 hour. Call Rosedale 0140 J. WANTED -Steady work, 2-ton truck. Wood 373 Eddy 4923 J. 144-TOX truck by hour or contract.

Eddy J. MOTORCYCLES, MOTORBOATS. EXPERT repairing and enameling: ail makes; work absolutely guaranteed. Finn Huttinger, W. 54th and Lorain.

SPECIAL--Smith $3 oll and puncture-proo? tires, $1.85. Finn Huttinger, and Lorain av. MARINE Ignition sold and 1441 repaired. Euclid. Cleve.

1014 EXCELSIOR twin: A-1 condition; $50. 9216 Superior. Princeton 2004 W. BARGAIN. in used machines.

$25 up. Finn Huttingar, W. 54th and Lorain. 4-H. P.


The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.