35 Best Valentine's Day Quotes For Coworkers And Work Colleagues At The Workplace - Work Wizardry (2024)

Best Valentine’s Day Quotes For Coworkers And Work Colleagues At The Workplace

Valentine’s Day offers a special opportunity to connect with colleagues and strengthen workplace bonds. But finding the right words to convey care while remaining professional can prove tricky. Quotes let you articulate messages that might otherwise feel awkward if spoken directly at the office.

This guide shares a diverse range of impactful quotes for sharing inspiration, laughs and encouragement with work friends. With 35 ideas spanning sweet sayings to funny puns and sincere expressions, discover different lines and verses perfect for writing in Valentine’s Day cards, attaching to colleague gifts, embedding into presentations or verbalizing in person.

From friendship lamps representing unbreakable bonds to inspirational water bottles spreading loving words, the paired product visuals provide helpful springboards to spark more quote and gift-giving creativity too!

35 Best Valentine's Day Quotes For Coworkers And Work Colleagues At The Workplace - Work Wizardry (1)

1. Best Valentine’s Day Quotes for Coworkers

Valentine’s Day is a great time to share inspirational and uplifting messages with coworkers. Here are some of the best Valentine’s quotes perfect for spreading positivity in the workplace:

Quote :

“The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you when you weren’t very lovable.”

This quote emphasizes the power of friendship during tough times. Remind colleagues they are appreciated not only during celebrations, but when spirits need lifting most.100 Reasons I Love You Notebook. This cute notebook is great for writing down all the reasons you love and appreciate a coworker.

Quote :

“There is no remedy for love but to love more.”

Share this quote to emphasize having an open and loving heart, not just on Valentine’s Day but year-round. Choose compassion.“Choose Love” Laptop Decal. This uplifting decal sticker is a nice reminder for coworkers to lead with love daily.

Quote :

“Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s inspirational words highlight how love brings energy and meaning to life. When shared at work, they remind us of love’s motivating and unifying power.“Where There is Love There is Life” Engraved Desk Sign. This engraved wood desktop sign displays Gandhi’s uplifting quote prominently to inspire coworkers.

Quote :

“The most thoughtful, caring people in your life are your friends who are there for you unconditionally.”

“You Are My Person” Candle. This candle celebrates unconditional friendship and support.

Quote :

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

Bread Making Cookbook. This bread making cookbook symbolizes the effort and care that goes into making and nurturing love.

2. Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes for Coworkers

Share a few laughs in the office this Valentine’s Day with these funny and sarcastic anti-Valentine’s quotes:

Quote :

“I don’t have a Valentine, so I’m making a big deal out of President’s Day this year.”

Humorously highlight feeling indifferent towards Valentine’s Day with this quote that pokes fun at making a big fuss over another less romantic holiday instead.President’s Day Mug.This cheeky mug would help a coworker celebrate President’s Day in lieu of Valentine’s with a funny coffee cup.

Quote :

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle one is for you.”

Get a chuckle at the office by poking fun at Valentine’s commercialism and saccharine sweetness with this snarky anti-Valentine’s quote.Humorous Middle Finger Pen. This funny pen discretely allows showing how you really feel about Valentine’s Day at work.

Quote :

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I have to go to the bathroom, and so do you.”

Bathroom Humor Book. This funny bathroom humor book pairs well with the silly potty humor in the quote.

3. Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Quotes for Coworkers

Warm coworkers’ hearts this Valentine’s Day by sharing thoughtful, touching quotes like these:

Quote :

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

Hepburn’s quote highlights human connection and relationships as most important. Share as a thoughtful reminder to cherish coworkers. “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” Notebook. Give this sweet notebook with a quote from Toy Story to hold onto notes from a special work friend.

Quote :

“Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.” – Katharine Lee Bates

Use this poetic quote to share that acts of love, however small, enrich the world and our communities for the better.Beautiful Silk Rose. A real preserved rose symbolizes how even simple acts of love beautify workplaces.

Quote :

“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones

This famous saying emphasizes love as giving meaning to life’s ups and downs. Share to uplift coworkers on Valentine’s Day.Franklin Planner – The Classic.This practical planner named after the quote’s author helps coworkers appreciate daily joys.

Quote :

“Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home.” – Mother Teresa

“Home is Where the Heart Is” Pillow. This pillow celebrates care and love starting at home.

Quote :

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” – Willa Cather

Love Miracle Whipped Body Butter. This moisturizer represents love performing miracles for skin.

4. Heartfelt Valentine Quotes for Coworkers

Share sincere, heartfelt quotes and messages with colleagues this Valentine’s Day:

Quote :

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

This quote highlights the role friends play in providing comfort and hope when you need it most. Express gratitude for supportive coworkers with this heartfelt message. Singing Plush Teddy Bear. This sweet singing teddy bear can sing friends’ favorite songs back to them when they need cheering up.

Quote :

“Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.” – Euripides

This quote emphasizes the importance of being there for colleagues during challenges and setbacks. It’s a heartfelt way to say you have their back. “You’ve Got This” Motivational Coffee Mug. This encouraging mug reminds a struggling colleague that they have the strength to persist.

Quote :

“The most beautiful discovery friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” – Elisabeth Foley

Reassure coworkers that evolving as individuals will only strengthen your bond with this thoughtful quote. Friendship Lamp Set. Give each colleague one of these lamps that light up when the other is touched to symbolize an unbreakable bond.

Quote :

“Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you’, but how much you can prove that it’s true.”

The 5 Love Languages Book. This book helps prove love through meaningful action, not just words.

Quote :

“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Elizabeth Browning

Carousel Music Box. This music box playing “Love Makes the World Go Round” pairs with the quote.

5. Sarcastic and Funny Valentine Quotes for Coworkers

Make colleagues chuckle with these sarcastic, satirical Valentine’s quotes:

Quote :

“Money can’t buy love, but it improves your bargaining position.” – Christopher Marlowe

This cynical quote pokes fun at materialism and money complicating romance. It brings comedy through its exaggerated tone. “It’s All About the Benjamins” Money Clip. Give this money clip with a funny quote about money and love to a colleague who’d appreciate the sarcasm.

Quote :

“Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand.”

Get the office laughing at this snarky quote that contradicts the notion of “grand” everlasting love by introducing the high costs of divorce.” Divorced Barbie” Doll. This divorced Barbie doll with realistically split assets satirically represents the high costs of divorce.

Quote :

“Save the earth. It’s the only planet with chocolate.”

This funny quote mocking eco-consciousness by prioritizing chocolate over the planet itself highlights sarcastic views on Valentine’s and environmentalism. Chocolate Bar Bouquet. Give a chocolate bouquet to the coworker who’d find this sarcastic quote’s take on chocolate funny.

Quote :

“I don’t have a Valentine, so I’m making a big deal out of President’s Day this year.”

President’s Day Party Supplies. These party supplies help celebrate President’s Day instead of Valentine’s.

Quote :

“Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.”

I’m Sorry For What I Said When You Tried To Wake Me Up mug. This funny coffee mug pairs well with the snarky quote about relationships.

6. Inspirational Valentine’s Quotes for Coworkers

Uplift and motivate colleagues on Cupid’s day by sharing inspiring words:

Quote :

“Wherever there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s wisdom highlights the motivational force of love. Send coworkers optimistic vibes with this inspirational quote. “Follow Your Heart” Compass Necklace. The compass necklace symbolizes Gandhi’s message to let love guide you.

Quote :

“We are most alive when we’re in love.” – John Updike

This quote emphasizes love as amplifying our sense of purpose and passion for life. Share to reenergize colleagues’ zest and zeal. The 5 Love Languages Book. Help coworkers rekindle their most vibrant, impassioned selves by identifying their love languages.

Quote :

“Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.” – Karl Menninger

Share this uplifting take on love’s healing properties. It inspires by positioning love itself as a source of strength and comfort. “Love Heals” Inspirational Water Bottle. This motivational water bottle spreads a reminder of love’s restorative powers.

Quote :

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou

Box of Assorted Greeting Cards. Send hopeful love notes using these cards with Angelou’s quote.

Quote :

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

Friendship Lamps Set. These lamps symbolize holding onto friends by lighting up when touched.

7. Professional Valentine’s Day Quotes for Work Colleagues

Share cordial Valentine’s Day messages that foster positivity among work colleagues while still feeling professional:

Quote :

“Teamwork makes the dream work.”

This upbeat quote emphasizes collaboration’s role in success. It aligns to office team-building sentiments for the holiday. Office Teamwork Water Bottle Set. Motivate colleagues to work together harmoniously by gifting these matching water bottles.

Quote :

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James

This quote motivates colleagues that their efforts matter. It inspires everyone to work with purpose and passion. Inspirational Desktop Cards Set. Place these cards with uplifting quotes like this one on colleagues’ desks.

Quote :

“To succeed in your professional life, you need to love what you do.”

Share this quote to stress finding meaning and enjoyment in your work for fulfillment. It ties to professional development. 2022-2023 Planner – Be The Boss of Your Life. Help colleagues stay focused on achieving professional goals they feel passionate about with this motivational planner.

Quote :

“We cannot accomplish all that we need to do without working together.”

This quote emphasizes collaboration and team unity as necessary for accomplishing great things. It relates directly to working relationships. Teambuilding Puzzle. Build stronger bonds by gifting colleagues this puzzle requiring working together to complete it.

You May Like: 10 Valentine’s Day Card Ideas For Workplace, Coworkers, Work Colleagues And Boss

Quote :

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein

Einstein’s wisdom positions creativity and fun as fueling innovation. This inspires colleagues to incorporate playfulness into work. Creative Thinking Brain Teaser Puzzles Set. Help stimulate imaginative thinking with games from this collection of clever brain teaser puzzles.

35 Best Valentine's Day Quotes For Coworkers And Work Colleagues At The Workplace - Work Wizardry (2)

Final Verdict:

Valentine’s Day provides the perfect opportunity to share inspirational quotes that uplift colleagues’ spirits and strengthen bonds. Of course, funny sayings that tap into sarcasm and satire help colleagues chuckle and reconnect over shared senses of humor too. The key is understanding your unique workplace dynamic and selecting quotes that resonate.

While beautiful quotes do contain timeless wisdom, be sure to take meaningful actions to live out their messages beyond just reciting the words. Put inspirational quotes encouraging compassion and teamwork into practice through your daily conduct. And laugh over funny quips mocking commercialized Valentine’s traditions, but balance cynicism with genuine care for coworkers too. Ultimately, let the quotes inspire bringing more positivity, resilience and lightheartedness to your shared workplace.

35 Best Valentine's Day Quotes For Coworkers And Work Colleagues At The Workplace - Work Wizardry (2024)
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